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BUSMHR Notes Part 5 Robbins Judge Chapter 6 What is motivation effort toward attaining a goal o Three Key elements o The processes that account for an individual s intensity direction and persistence of 1 Intensity how hard a person tries The element most of us focus on when we talk about motivation 2 Direction the quality of effort Effort directed toward the organization s goals is the kind of effort we should be seeking 3 Persistence how long a person can maintain effort Motivated individuals Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs o 1 Physiological Includes hunger thirst shelter sex and other bodily needs o 2 Safety security and protection from physical and emotional harm o 3 Social Affection belongingness acceptance and friendship o 4 Esteem Internal factors such as self respect autonomy and achievement and external factors such as status recognition and attention o 5 Self actualization drive to become what we are capable of becoming includes growth achieving our potential and self fulfillment o Higher order needs social esteem and self actualization o Lower order needs physiological and safety needs Theory X vs Theory Y o Theory X managers believe employees inherently dislike work and must therefore be directed or even coerced into performing it o Theory Y managers assume employees can view work as being as natural as rest or play and therefore the average person can learn to accept and even seek responsibility Assumes higher order needs dominate individuals Two Factor Theory Motivation Hygiene Theory o Believing an individual s relationship to work is basic and that attitude toward work can determine success or failure o Investigated the question What do people want from their jobs People described situation in which they felt exceptionally good or bad about their jobs Good feelings associated with intrinsic bad associated with extrinsic o Hygiene Factors quality of supervision pay company policies physical working conditions relationships with others and job security When they re adequate people will not be dissatisfied but neither will they be McClelland Theory of Needs dissatisfied o Need for Achievement nAch the drive to excel to achieve in relation to a set of o Need for Power nPow is the need to make others behave in a way in which they would standards to strive to succeed not have behaved otherwise o Need for affiliation nAff the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships Self Determination Theory o Proposes that people prefer to feel they have control over their actions so anything that makes a previously enjoyed task feel more like an obligation than a freely chosen activity will undermine motivation o Research on self determination theory in OB has focused on cognitive evaluation theory hypothesizes that extrinsic interest in a task Goal Setting Theory o The effects of goal specificity challenge and feedback on performance o Specific goals increase performance o Difficult goals when accepted result in higher performance than do easy goals o Feedback leads to higher performance than does nonfeedback Management by Objectives o Emphasizes participatively set goals that are tangible verifiable and measureable o Overall objectives are translated into specific objectives for each succeeding level in the organization o Four common ingredients goal specificity participation in decision making an explicit time period and performance feedback Self Efficacy Theory o An individual s belief that he or she is capable of performing a task o The higher your self efficacy the more confidence you have in your ability to succeed o Individuals high in self efficacy respond to negative feedback with increased effort and motivation while those low in self efficacy are more likely to lessen their effort or give up altogether o Four ways to increase self efficacy 1 Enactive Mastery gaining relative experience with the task or job If you were able to do the job in the past you re more likely to do it successfully in the future 2 Vicarious modeling becoming more confident because you see someone else doing the task Most effective when you see yourself as similar to the person you are observing 3 Verbal Persuasion becoming more confident because someone convinces you that you have the skills necessary to be successful 4 Arousal leads to an energized state which drives a person to complete a task If task requires a steady lower key perspective arousal may hurt performance Equity Theory o Employees perceive what they get from a job situation in relationship to what they put into it and then compare their outcome input ratio with that of relevant others o If ratio is perceived as equal to that of the relevant others a state of equity exists and we perceive that our situation is fair and justice prevails o When it is seen as unequal we experience equity tension When seen as underrewarded tension creates anger When seen as overrewarded guilt is created o Four Referent Comparisons Self inside an employee s experiences in a different position inside the employee s current organization Self outside an employee s experiences in a situation or position outside the employee s current organization Other inside another individual or group of individuals inside the employee s Other outside another individual or group outside the employee s organization organization Organizational Justice o A larger perception of what is fair in the workplace o Distributive Justice perceived fairness of outcome Example I got the pay raise I deserved o Procedural Justice perceived fairness of process used to determine outcome Example I had input into the process used to give raises and was given a good explanation of why I received the raise I did o Interactional Justice perceived degree to which one is treated with dignity and respect Example When telling me about my raise my supervisor was very nice and complimentary Expectancy Theory o The strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of our expectation of a given outcome and its attractiveness o Employees will be motivated to exert a high level of effort when they believe it will lead to a good performance appraisal o Effort Performance Relationship The probability perceived by the individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance o Performance Reward Relationship the degree to which the individual believes performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome o Rewards personal goals

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