COMM107 FINAL STUDY GUIDE Chapter 11 The listenable speech formatted in a way that it is understood by listeners Preparing a speech take into consideration o Rhetorographics the place time limit time of day and emotional climate of the speech o Demographics age gender religion ethnic background educational background occupation and racial background of an audience o Psychographics attitudes and beliefs of an audience conservative liberal political affliction The ethics of public speaking o Statement of central idea define the subject and develops the criteria by which to evaluate the material to be included in the speech o Goal of the speech to inform or persuade Analyzing the parameters of speeches o Prior to the speech analysis Extemporaneous mode when speakers develop a set of talking points or notes and outline them to assist in presenting Manuscript mode when the material is written out word for word Memorized mode when a speech is written out word for word then committed to memory Impromptu Speech on the spot Chapter 12 Sources of information o Primary sources represent all of the original reports of the observation or research best should use first o Secondary sources sources that report but did not originally generate the observations or research o Various sources of information Books must know how to find what you need can quickly become outdated but general topics don t change so good for research however for rapidly changing topics you need more up to date sources Magazines provide recent information quickly many can be electronically accessed inaccuracies occur because they are published so quickly some may be biased Newspapers provide recent information quickly many can be electronically accessed inaccuracies occur because they are published so quickly some may be biased Journals report research and theories in specific fields usually available online also Indexes provide descriptive information in certain categories good starting point but not in depth ex Encyclopedias atlases bibliographical guides Government publications government published materials for a low cost all major universities have these government documents Special Interest Group Publications publish information regarding their programs brings a prompt response can be accessed through the organizations website Interviews used to find information that is not available in written or audio visual sources Computer searches quick and easy but does not always provide the best sources o Supporting Materials should clarify a point you are making in the speech or offer evidence of the validity of the argument presented ex Stories specific instances exposition statistics analogies testimony o Techniques for presenting supporting materials Internal summaries a short restatement of what has just been said in the section that you are about to leave before proceeding to the next segment Forecasting station what you are going to discuss next Signposting summarizing what is coming next Supplementary aids pictures posters charts etc Chapter 13 Basic Elements of a speech o Public communication message has four essential parts introduction central idea body and conclusion The introduction to gain the listener s attention and orient them to the material that will be presented o Attention getting material important to grab attention early so the audience does not tune out Examples personal experience and humorous stories rhetorical questions action questions making audience think and respond unusual or dramatic devices quotes related to the theme stating the theme o Orienting material gives an audience the background necessary to understand the basic material of the speech Examples historical background defining terms personal history and or tie to the topic importance to listeners The Central Idea intended to keep the speaker on course for developing a purposeful and well organized speech The body develops through major points as well as sub points needed to develop the central idea o Traditional Methods of Arrangement of a speech 6 ways to do this Spatial arrangement most people organize this way even if they are unaware of it set a point of reference and then follow this by a geographic pattern ex USA NY LI Jericho Time arrangement orders information from beginning to end ex Birth pre school elementary school MS HS college Topical arrangement ideas organized on the basis of their similarities and other relationships ex Main topic important things in my life Jericho THC UMD AEPHI Causal arrangement kind of like cause and effect two or more events are connected in such a way that if one occurs the other will follow ex Going to camp followed by becoming a counselor Comparison contrast arrangement show similarities and differences ex Jericho VS Maryland Problem Solution arrangement attempts to identify what is wrong and to determine how to cure it or make a recommendation for its cure ex Symptoms for Crohn s disease possible cures and treatments The Conclusion used to summarize and or motivate listeners to take a prescribed action Summary of the speech restates the major points to recap what has been covered restate major headings in the body and indicate how they developed the central idea Clincher gives the speaker one more chance to reinforce the major ideas presented and then wraps up the presentation with a final message to clinch the selling of the central idea Examples are similar to attention getting methods personal reference humorous story illustration rhetorical question unusual or dramatic device quotations and repetition Alternative methods for organizing o Partitioning method when the speech proceeds then is partitioned into a number of points state the point then develop each point with supporting details o Unfolding method speaker lays our supporting evidence and then draws a conclusion leading the listeners to be drawn into the argument used for persuasive speeches o Case method speaker discusses the central idea without breaking it into sub points Chapter 14 Aspects of Oral and Physical Speech Presentation o Vocal delivery audiences tend to listen more when the speaker is dynamic and enthusiastic Vocal Variety speaking at a number of different speeds to match the mood of the ideas you are presenting is desirable Pronunciation many acceptable ways of pronouncing English because it is spoken around the US yet be aware of articulation unaware of the correct pronunciation vowel distortion pronunciation
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