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Chapter 1 What is communication Process in which feelings and ideas are expressed as verbal non verbal messages that are sent received and comprehended Requires encoding and decoding Dynamic continuous irreversible interactive and contextual Intrapersonal communicating within yourself Interpersonal establishes a communicative relationship Hinders alters and interferes with communication Noise Internal external Types of noise Environmental outside interference Physiological deaf blind Semantic various terms for the same object Syntactical sentence structure grammatical form Organizational order of stories Cultural tradition Psychological emotion stress frustration Models of Communication Linear Interactional Transactional Ethnocentrism Ethics The belief that one s culture is primary to al explanations of reality What we see is normal Cultural relativism comparison of cultures removing judgment cultural understanding Shared values culturally based Ethical comm honest Ethical listener respects others values Chapter 2 Language Cybernetic Process relevancy Language early life reactions System of human communication based on sound and speech Processing symbols Signals interpretation stored in brain Symbols are selected based on experience context cultural Explosion Theory build comm from language developed in Significant Other Theory understanding of self built by others Language Instinct Theory Social construction of reality what is culturally constructed understood Denotative vs connotative meaning Denotative direct explicit Connotative implied or suggested meaning Functions of language Emotive emotive connotative words to demonstrate feelings Phatic insignificant small talk relationship building social Cognitive demonstrates information Rhetorical convincing influencing persuasion throughout task speech Identifying naming specific Language distortion Ambiguity word has one or more meanings Vagueness sentence lacks clarity unspecific Double speak vagueness that is deceptive evasive or confusing weapon Euphemisms substitution for an offensive expression using a less offensive expression Inferences putting words in peoples mouth jumping to conclusions Social or regional variation of a language Diff words slang and Dialects patterns Standard dictionary high prestige Nonstandard non dictionary low prestige Accent pronunciation used by a person Inarticulates uttered sounds with no meaning ex um er like Slang denotes words that a related to a specific and are recognized by a particular group Chapter 3 Nonverbal Communication Composed of messages that are exchanged beyond words body talk Sources Sensitive to the relationship between Have meaning based on context Part of verbal communication Neurology automatic reactions Culture reflective Emotional influences crying laughing Channels states blinks Relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication Substituting ex Instead of saying yes you nod your head yes Complementing ex Saying yes and nodding yes Conflicting ex Saying yes and nodding no Accenting ex Extremes nonverbal stresses verbal kinesics body and its movements facsics face communications personality interests emotional ocalics eye communications eye contact avoidance and gestics movements gestures self perception cultural affiliation status paravocalics vocal effects that accompany words tone haptics touch skin is a receiver of communication olfactics smell as a communication memory aesthetics comm of mood or messages through music gustorics taste messages of pleasure and displeasure artifacts clothing carries distinct messages proxemics use and perception of social and personal space spatial differences intimate personal social public contact vs non contact cultures small group ecology placement of furniture people chronemics use of time as a communication culture based circular no need to achieve newness survive on basics linear future info needed to fulfill impending demands Body Synchrony Posture way a person walks and stands self perception cultural affiliation status Physical characteristics attractiveness height Chapter 4 Listening importance is said Listening vs hearing sensory channels Process Important in all aspects of life Involves more than ears goal of understanding Listening is active Good listeners Suspend judgment is patient and analyze what Listening reception attention perception the assignment of meaning and the listeners response to the message presented Hearing biological activity that involves receptions though Reception initial step hearing vs listening noise Attention once received focus on one stimulus concentration motivation difficulty processing speed paraphrasing understanding summary of ideas received Perception the sifting process analysis of input perceptual filter organizes and interprets message selective perception narrow attention to specific information Assignment of meaning putting the stimulus into some predetermined categories role of language brain dominance learning and listening in patterned ways culture influence abilities of listening low context culture U S expect a great deal of information high context culture Japan fewer words are necessary evaluation differentiate factual statements from opinions Listener s response and intellectual or emotional reaction offers feedback stores info in long term memory memory techniques repetition acronyms questions feedback The listening process Listening influences Speaker Receptor Message context Channel External internal variable noise emotion Memory Time Purposes Discriminative separation of sounds speaker differences in sounds distinguishing sources interpreting messages Comprehension recognize and retain information Therapeutic knows when to ask questions stimulate further discussion and giving advice Sympathetic listening Critical comprehension and evaluation of message judgment Appreciative enjoyment of stimulation to the message music channel speaker Listener Apprehension Fear of misinterpretation Improving listening recognize that both the sender and receiver share responsibility for effective communication suspend judgment patience avoid ego speak caution emotional responses to words posture affects listening control distractions tune into speakers cue s paraphrase and visualize Chapter 5 Intrapersonal Communication internally communicating with yourself self talk communicating within yourself Learning Sequence prelinguistic child adult Self Concept idea picture of yourself

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