FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE Considerations This test will consist of material taken from the book and class lecture Just because I did not devote class time to it does not mean it will be exempt from the test Please bring a No 2 pencil to the exam The exam will last for approximately 75 minutes You will have the entire exam period to complete the exam so do not feel pressure for time If you need extra time or any accommodation please notify me in email by 5 6 this Friday so I can make arrangements Exam Schedule o Section 2701 MWF Friday May 13 1 30 3 30 pm o Section 1301 TTH Tuesday May 17 10 30am 12 30pm o Section 2001 TTH Friday May 13 8 00 10 00 am Because there are multiple versions of the exam I am happy to accommodate your final exam schedule Please notify me by e mail if you need to take the exam at an alternative time It is easier for me to accommodate people wanting to take it on Friday at 1 30 pm because Skinner 0104 is a large classroom I NEED NOTIFICATION BY THIS FRIDAY 5 6 Format True False Multiple Choice Unscramble Speech Outline All items are worth 2 pts total of 100 points TOPICS COVERED ON THE EXAM INTRODUCTARY INFO CHAPTER 1 Models of Communication Linear model of comm A schematic that illustrates the process by which a source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver through one or more sensory channels w o a feedback loop The receiver then receives and decodes the message Interactional model of comm A schematic that illustrates how a source encodes and sends a message to a receiver The receiver receives and decodes the message as in linear communication but then encodes feedback and sends it back to the source thus making the process two directional The source then decodes the feedback message Then source encodes a new message that adjusts to the feedback Transactional model of comm A schematic that illustrates how communicators simultaneously process messages Messages overlap and can be verbal or nonverbal LISTENING CHAPTER 4 Discriminative Listening that attempts to distinguish auditory and visual stimuli Comprehensive Listening that attempts to recognize and retain info of a message PUBLIC SPEAKING UNIT CHAPTERS 11 16 Approximately 95 of the exam will cover Chapters 11 16 Therefore make sure that you focus on this material Chapter 11 Public Communication characterized by a speaker sending a message to an audience It may be direct such as a face to face message delivered by a speaker to an audience or indirect such as a message relayed over radio television or the Internet Listenable Speech one that is formatted in a way that when it is received it is understood by listeners Analysis before during after speech Prior to the speech analysis audience analysis before the speech is given Audience analysis assessing the demographic psychographic and rheterographic characteristics of your prospective listeners Process of the speech analysis observing the audience for feedback during the speech Post speech analysis evaluating the effect of the speech following the presentation through the question and answer session questionnaires and personal feedback Prior to the speech analysis Demographics speech listeners characteristics based on their descriptions backgrounds includes such factors as age gender religion ethnicity education occupation and race Psychographics speech listeners attitudes and beliefs conservative or liberal political affiliation Rhetorographics the place time limit time of day and emotional climate of a speech Statement of Central Idea defines the subject develops the criteria by which to evaluate the material to be included in the speech it centers on what you want the audience to know to be able to do to believe consists of three parts goal of the speech statement of the topic and method or process used to develop the speech Goal of the Speech purpose of the speech which is expressed in terms of its expected outcome Method of Speech Development encompasses how you plan to approach the presentation by explaining by describing for a persuasive to accept that to support to agree with Modes of Presentation Extemporaneous Speaking Mode the speaker knows in advance that she or he will be giving a speech can prepare by doing research planning the speech develops a set of talking points such as notes or an outline to assist in presenting ideas Other Speaking Modes Impromptu speaking a speech given with little or no preparation Ad lib speaking a speech in which a speaker has no time to organize ideas The speaker responds immediately when answering a question volunteering an opinion or interacting during a question and answer session less time to prepare than impromptu Manuscript speech mode a speech in which the material is written out delivered word for word from a text Memorized speech mode speech is written out word for word then committed to memory Primary sources of information sources used in a speech to develop clarification or proof that represent the original reports of the observations or research Secondary sources of information sources used in a speech to develop clarification or proof that repost but did not originally generate the observations or research Internal Summary a short restatement of what has just been said in the section that you are about to leave before proceeding to the next segment Chapter 12 Chapter 13 All elements of each speech attention getter to clincher and everything in between Introduction to a speech segment of a speech with the purpose of gaining the listeners attention orienting them to the material that will be presented Attention Getting includes presenting personal references humorous stories illustrations rhetorical questions action questions unusual or dramatic devices quotations related to the theme and a statement of the theme Orienting Material provides the background necessary to understand the basic material of the presentation of the presentation It is designed to tie the material to the central idea provide necessary information establish personal credibility for the speaker and make the subject important to the listener Historical background defining terms person history and or tie to the topic importance to listeners Statement of the speech s central idea segment of a speech intended to keep the speaker on course for developing a purposeful well organized speech while indicating the response the speaker wants from listeners Body of a speech the segment of the speech that is developed through major
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