Chapter 1 Human Communication Process Communication Defined communication feelings ideas are expressed as messages that are sent received comprehended accidental expressive or rhetorical intrapersonal comm communicating with yourself processing decision making listening interpersonal comm takes place between 2 persons who establish a communicative relationship face to face interview discussions public comm speaker sends a message to an audience direct or indirect dynamic process is constantly in a state of change continuous never stops irreversible messages cannot be undone interactive constantly in contact with other people contextual talk to different people in different ways Components of Human Communication selective comm we can choose the symbol we believe best represents the idea concept we wish to express source originator of the message receiver recipient of the message messages communication feedback response to the message frame of reference perceptual screen noise potential for disruption o factors culture comm skills physical emotional states experiences attitudes memory expectations Communicator Perceptions perceptions the way you view the world The Communication Process encode take ideas and put them into message form primary signal system 5 senses channel thru which ideas are sent decode how messages are received and translated The Source the Message the Channel the Receiver Feedback Noise communication process begins when the source is stimulation by an idea the idea is encoded and carried thru a channel 5 senses receiver must decode the message and translate it into his language system feedback indicates whether the receiver understands or not messages can be influenced by noise interference with communication Noise Types of Noise environmental noise outside interference that prevents the receiver from gaining the message physiological impairment noise physical problem can block a message ex blind deaf people semantic noise problems may arise regarding the meaning of words language vocabulary syntactical noise inappropriate grammatical usage organizational noise when the source forgets that certain ideas are better when presented in structural order cultural noise results from preconceived attitudes derived from a group about how members of that culture should act psychological noise stress frustration or irritation causes us to communicate ineffectively noise factors can interfere with effective communication in varying stages of linear interactional or transactional models sender can offer opportunities for feedback define complicated vocabulary Effect of Noise Dealing with Noise Communication as a System system pattern to the way you communicate with others communication system can be shaped by age status gender attraction to other and culture Models of Human Communication linear model of comm source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver thru sensory channels receiver then receives and decodes message interactional model of comm source encodes sends a message receiver decodes then encodes feedback message source decodes feedback transactional model of comm communicators simultaneously process messages The Media as Communicators Communication and Culture Intercultural and Intracultural Comm media radio TV internet magazines newspapers film we are all part of many cultures age nationality gender sexuality religion family Intracultural comm when you interact with those of whom you have a cultural bond Intercultural comm when you speak to those with whom you have no cultural bond Multiculturalism multiculture a society consisting of varied cultural groups multiculturalism political and attitudinal movement to ensure cultural freedom pluralism individuals can maintain their individual identities and still be a part of the larger group salad bowl each person is uniquely different and does not have to become the same ethnocentrism belief that one s culture is primary to all explanations of reality cultural relativism no culture is superior to any other each culture deserves to be respected Ethnocentrism First Amendment Speech freedom of speech protected right to speak without restrictions words are deeds some symbolic behavior may be harmful enough to restrict ethics what should be the grounds and principles for acceptable unacceptable behavior personal ethical value system basis for you decision making ethical communicators those respect the integrity of ideas and concerns from the listeners Ethics
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