Rome s Neighbors Indo Europeans 2000BC Etruscans 800BC o Northwestern part of Italy o Early expansion o Right next to Rome o Known for their metalwork o Enjoyed the Good Life Etruscan banquet o After you die you would have a good after life o The dark side of dead Tuchulcha demon of infernal tortures Underworld tortures Human sacrifice Great Greece 750BC o Greek Theater o Brought coinage to Italy Italians o Samnites Good Fighters Celts Early Rome Foundation Legends o Aeneas Romulus Remus Romulus and Remus decide to find the city of Rome Romulus kills Remus and creates the city of Rome Troy getting destroyed Greek version o Founding of Rome April 21 753 BC Archaeology o Post Holes on Palatine Hill o Reconstructed what early Rome looked like o 750BC Rome of the Kings 753 509BC Social Structure Citizens and Slaves Conservatism o How would have ancestors done it Duty and Responsibility o Duties for everybody Favors Patrons and Clients o If you did a favor for a Roman that Roman was in your debt o You would make people your clients Family Structure o Paterfamilias Father of the family They have life and death authority over the family Tradition kept them from going around and killing other families It wasn t something that their ancestors would do o Emancipation role of women Vestal Virgins When a women was married she had the choice to either stay under the authority of her father or her husband Vestal Virgins had to make sure the sacred fire didn t go out Chosen when you were 6 and remain for 30 years Could return to private life after 30 years o Etruscan Kings Civilization 600BC Began to expand southward into Rome Chaca Maxima Big Sewer Brought the alphabet o Tarquin the Proud Last Etruscan King Expulsion of Kings 509BC Romans kicked out the Kings because the son of Tarquin raped a Roman Roman Republic 509 27BC Consuls No more Kings o Elected for only 1 year o Only a Patrician could be a consul Two classes of citizens o Patricians Aristocrats wealthy landowners original ruling class Monopolize Privilege Most of wealth in army in office know laws o Plebeians Other Free Romans Senate Bunch of Old Men where real decisions are made o Senators Patricians Conflict of the Orders 500 367BC o Plebeians tried to get more rights None violent They would have to get organized in order to get respect o Secession o New Ruling Class If they didn t get rights they wanted to setup their own country Senators Patricians Wealthy Important Plebeians Very stable form of government Rome on the Defensive o Developed a paranoid fear of strong neighbors o Etruscans attempted to re conquer Rome Army retreated as a result of a burning hand Roman o Celts Gauls They were farmers and would raid other people Considered to be Barbarians Roman art was standardized and structured while Celtic art was individualistic and abstract Greek Roman warfare was organized and disciplined while Celtic warfare was undisciplined and individualistic Enthusiastic about their fighting Celtic charge had no lines or ranks Greeks and Romans liked their Celts dead Romans paid off the Celts o Sack of Rome 390BC Get attacked by Celts from Northern Italy Rome is sacked and occupied by the Celts Romans can change They build a wall around the city to protect them from future attacks Developed a fear of Strong Neighbors Created a military policy known as defensive aggression All Those Wars o Often caused by fear of strong neighbors or requests for help o Conquest of Italy 350 270BC Italians Samnite Wars 343 290BC Warlike Peoples Romans lost most of the battles but still won the war Fought 3 wars against them because they could take a greater loss Three Battles against Pyrrhus Pyrrhus was the best general in Greece Pyrrhus brought in war elephants to use in the battles Greeks won first battle Greeks won the second battle Greeks won the third battle but they had great losses and Pyrrhus went back to Greece o Italian Alliance 270 BC Military manpower resources Other places governed themselves but had to provide Romans with soldiers 250 000 500 000 soldiers Wars against Carthage 264 201BC Carthage was basically an empire o Controlled North Africa Spain Asia Minor First Punic War 264 241 in Sicily o Romans won because they were willing to take greater losses Second Punic War 218 201 o Big showdown between Rome and Carthage o Rome s most difficult war in all of Roman history o Hannibal was one of the top generals in history He proposes to invade Italy Had to cross the Alps 218BC Had a strategy of surrounding the bigger o Romans lost 100 000 soldiers within the course army of 3 battles Won the war because they took greater losses Acquisition of foreign provinces Took Carthage s overseas possessions such as Spain and Italy They did not occupy Carthage Wars in the East 200 146BC Macedonia Antigonids Becomes only power left in the Mediterranean Selecuids Syria How to administer provinces Army recruitment Property owning requirement Marius and the Volunteer Army 107BC Loyal to generals o General had to pay and reward the army Ambitious Senators Put their own interests first Sulla 88BC o Military Commander in Asia minor o Can appeal to his soldiers o Uses his army against the Roman government in order to seize power The Republican Empire after 130BC o Problems Age of Generals o Slave Revolts o Civil Wars The Fall of the Roman Republic o Slave Revolts Spartacus 73 71BC Leads a revolt with thousands of slaves Slaves are being bought by Senators who have a lot of land Crucifixion of defeated slaves o Civil Wars Caesar and Pompey 49 45BC Dictator for Life o Caesar made this office and made himself a dictator for life which is illegal Conspiracy of Brutus and Cassius Caesar wins the Civil War Ides of March March 15 44BC Caesar was stabbed by senators and killed Brutus issued coins to commemorate the assassination of Caesar Caesar became the God Julius o The people loved Caesar Octavian Antony and Cleopatra 43 31BC More civil wars Loyalty of Caesar s army Octavian Caesar s adopted son o Made claim to Caesar s army and the troops went over to him Antony Caesar s best general o Some of Caesar s troops went over to him Octavian and Antony divide the world o Octavian got Western Provinces o Antony got Eastern Provinces Egypt is most prosperous region Antony needs to be nice to Cleopatra because Egypt is still an independent nation Battle of Actium 31BC o Located in Greece o Suicide of Cleopatra 30BC o Octavian is defeating Antony and Cleopatra They did not want
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