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The convention What was it After the war a meeting to replace the articles o Wanted to create a moderate government listen to the people instead of telling them what to do The convention who was there 55 delegates wealthy and white George Washington presided over it Thomas Jefferson and John Adams weren t there hardly any democrats there or they didn t speak up Democrats were the wing that supported the articles of confederation Goals of the founders trying to fix Had to establish a government to have order to rep all states A national currency made of paper this rep them as a nation Goals of founders treaties The government would own all land not owned by the states States can trade with one another Necessary an proper clause allows constitution to be a growing document it cant be restricted to itself Goals of founders what they established Establish itself as the supreme law of the land It trumped all state law National government state government local government A bicameral legislation senate and house of rep Strong executive the president the most important change Aspects of the new system Federal New system of representation Strong executive branch Strong judiciary branch Amendment process New system of representation Judiciary executive legislative Strong executive branch The president veto power Elected by people electoral college No term length not until after FDR Strong judiciary branch Provides the balance Only check is that it is appointed by president they serve for life Can t establish law it becomes precedent when they rule on something Interpret law as constitutional or un constitutional Amendment process 1 2 3 of state legislature can come together and form a constitutional convention 2 2 3 of congress can vote for or against it then goes to the states 3 quarters of the states have to accept it What did the constitution do for slavery Slavery is not in the constitution because they couldn t come to an agreement If a state passes and anti slave law other states don t have to Slave Act if a slave ran away it established that they had to be sent back to where they were from 3 5 Compromise Slaves were 3 5 of a person Ratification Need 2 3 Majority When radicals arose Pass or deny amendments Federalist vs anti federalist Federalist For the constitution Dominated the cities Alexander Hamilton and John Adams Better represented in the government Federalist papers A series of documents originally published in NY newspapers 1787 1788 Alexander Hamilton wrote most economy Writers of fed papers John Adams rights John Jay Why Bill of Rights came about The idea that a strong federal government establishes rights unlike state governments which allow for different rights per state Madison realized that the constitution was not including these rights Passed in 1791 Bill of Rights 10 amendments Anti federalist Hated the constitution a form of tyranny Dominated rural areas Limited their power over states Constitution didn t allow rights What did they want to call the president Fed wanted His Majesty To aristocratic Decided on President Harnessed fear of tyranny The new nation A frontier land hardly any internal improvements 3 categories of people that the government recognized African slaves inhabitants of land not members of society 3 5 Compromise 1 Natives assimilation 2 Americans white white males Weren t considered different Stability of new nation No universal patriotism o The concept of the constitution didn t to take at first in the states People from different countries religions etc Didn t get along Alcoholism A public nuisance led to domestic abuse fights and murders George Washington virtue Resigned from the army after war showed a great balance of Believed no president should run for more than two terms Didn t do too much Resembled what first president needed to be Alexander Hamilton s Financial Plan 1 The federal government would assume the war debts of the states Unified the nation by equating all of the states Manufacturing tariffs the production of goods within the US Opposite of mercantilism 2 National bank currency of the nation would come from a national bank and it would have power over state banks One currency Thomas Jefferson secretary of state Abhorred financial plan Viewed America as a wonderland Saw true liberty coming from the land Expansion westward would make US the most virtuous We work and till the land Whiskey rebellion Farmers mobilized and created militia Washington raised 12 000 militia and marched on Kentucky implying that rebellion would not be tolerated in America Caused panic among anti fed if a population in the US mobilizes to let their grievances known but the government marches on them it looks like tyranny to the anti fed The French Revolution Principles of grass roots rebellion US governent was promoting because it was US ideology of no Monarchs and all would be a republic French Revolution the Terror Executions Became so political and extremely violent Even if someone hinted against the rebel way they would be executed Jefferson saw this as a great reason why a strong government must exist to keep order wanted to bring the terror to US to get rid of government French Revolution breaking point When France created war on VA led to Jay Treat 1794 US allied with Britain All US who owed British debt would be put into debtors prison or pay debt If they couldn t pay the government would pay it off Jay Treaty 1794 British goods no longer taxed and French goods were Britain with drew all troops from North America this established a real border for US Jeffersonians hated treaty because it took away American liberties Created two parties federalist and Jeffersonian Jeffersonian Jeffersonian Thomas Jefferson and James Madison States should be supreme rule States create the government Government existed but not override state power Some democracy was a good thing Social hierarchy was not natural Only those with virtue should lead natural aristocracy Yeoman utopia Jefferson idyll All men should own land and work that land slaves worked land for other people this would create virtue Federalist Standing army George Washington Alexander Hamilton and John Adams Strong centralized government Anxious over rampant liberty and democracy Aristocrat feared the people believed in upper class and it was the only class to make decisions It is fundamental to society Federalist continued Economy should emulate British model Tariffs promote manufacturing BUS bonds

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LSU HIST 2055 - Lecture Note

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