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American Europe Contact and Conflict 08 29 2013 the natives didn t go anywhere except for the Americas hunters agriculturalist 40 50 million people living in north and south America united states only had 4 5 million less than 10 o don t worry about specifics of the population just generally Types of natives o Maya Yucatan Peninsula Mexico north central America 1800AD eve of European contact o Aztec younger Mexico Military Written language o Inca younger Peru Military Roads Written language o North American Indians Not as advanced EUROPEANS o Spanish 1st to come controlled everything from west coast down to south America some of the Caribbean above Mexico the Spanish didn t really colonize 1st permanent settlement in the USA was in Florida o French Center of French settlement was Canada Controlled Louisiana tried to connect Canada to Louisiana Were traders Tried to understand convert and weren t threatening to Natives o English Establish the 1st settlements that would be the USA Along the Atlantic sea board Came in numbers and to stay in particular places Society Land Saw the Natives as an enemy Natives had the land the English wanted Catastrophe War o From the beginning with the Spanish o Always in battle with the Europeans and even themselves Create allies o Cultural problems Americas Disease Cultural shock Spanish made use of this Natives couldn t make advance plans in the northern o Killed because the Natives were isolated for so long o Weapon of mass destruction Small pox o Absence of immunity cause 90 of population to be wiped out o Most of the eastern tribes were mostly gone by the time of the American Revolution motives for European expansion Dependent empire control and all came in contact with natives 150 years they made an empire out of the Americas slow motion explosion o BECAUSE Economics Trade At first going east for trade of spices Marco Polo Prince Henry The navigator Portuguese 1st half of 15th century o Wanted to take a water route to china to get the spices for trade o Devised a water route with many experts Captain ended up making it Columbus 1492 Italian o Went to Spain so that he can be funded to go west instead of east like o They didn t realize how far around the the Portugal earth was o Looking for Asia and thought he landed in the Indies Called the natives Indians o Kept quiet because of the adverse action of his New World o Found precious metals o Spanish wealth is based on the empire in the new world the trade o Picked up allies on the way to Mexico Cortez Religion city Conversion Spanish French Catholic priest and soldiers went hand in hand Protestant reformation 16th century o New world became refuge for people trying to escape religious wars A quest for glory and adventure All Europeans had tales King Author etc Religion and Riches Personal wealth glory and new converts technological innovations Ships that were combined Carauel could maneuver and were sturdy small ships o Rowing boats couldn t with stand the open ocean o Square inch couldn t maneuver easily Geography sense of direction o Established geographical principles o Dead reckoning knowing where you are with out any extra help guess work Used by Columbus to cross the ocean and go back hour clock how far you go stars what it looked like when you left and got there weaponry o military superiority o canons on the ships naval combat Portugal Spain and political manifestations Portugal Prince Henry the Navigator Capitan ended up getting up Spain sponsors Columbus expedition came all the way across the to China world o Spanish power came from the west 16th century English and French wanted to go west too so Spain couldn t take them over ENGLISH attack Spanish ships settlements Verrazano brothers

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LSU HIST 2055 - American Europe: Contact and Conflict

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