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04 25 2014 1 Ethics moral principles that govern a person s behavior 12 matching 2 points each 12 true false 2 points each 24 multiple choice 2 points each 4 point short answer pick 1 out of 3 4 sources of moral reasoning 1 experience 2 tradition 3 reason 4 revelation scripture 2 Sexual activity is not an isolated part of existence Sexual ethics is about human relations in the broadest sense Novak connects sexuality to the larger scale 3 Novak s ideal sexual relationship Human God condemns bestiality humans were created for each other animals cant converse and be consensual Heterosexual non procreative homosexual conuterfamilial only sensual inconsistent with human nature Consensual NOT RAPE With someone outside of one s family incest not virtuous morally praiseworthy Monogamous bi sexuality made for each other polygamy using people human dignity emotions Marriage there by expressing the enduring fruitfulness of God s love for us precisely through our lasting love for our partner 4 Cahill presents the 5 norms of sexual activity 1 procreation 2 satisfaction of sexual desires or drives 3 expression of a positive affective relationship between the partners Love 5 heterosexuality 4 martial commitment permanent and exclusive she then provides detailed explanations with bible verse examples Augustine purpose of sex procreation and companionship three goods children fidelity bond between spouses Aquinas Augustine s three goods and moral implications of human nature Reformers celibacy Contemp Christians love less emphasis on procreation 5 Pope Paul VI says that you cant have marriage w out God God is love Every sexual act must pertain to the natural order of creation of life through sex Birth control stands in the way of this Genuine freedom 6 Both Stan Jones and Mel White present what is written and the absence of what is written in the Bible to reach different conclusions on homosexual orientation and the morality of it First Premise MW Bible and Prophets didn t say anything about same sex behavior Second Premise Third Premise scripture Fourth Premise SJ quietism and church leaders have researched MW Historically people s misinterpretation of the Bible has left a trail of suffering bloodshed and death SJ adamantly opposed to violence against homosexuals MW We must re examine texts carefully for new truth from SJ Who is in right place to bring us new truths MW Bible is time specific stone adulterers Homosexual orientation is natural and correction is dangerous SJ Old Testament moral vs ceremonial laws vs civil regulations Fifth Premise MW Miss what passages say about God when we spend so much time debating what they say about sex SJ criticizes white s absence of a sexual ethic Sixth Premise MW Biblical authors aren t aware of homosexuality they neither approve or condemn it SJ homosexual orientation is not natural in a biblical creational sense erotic orientation Seventh Premise MW love one another SJ moral condemnation isn t inconsistent with love love doesn t equal acceptance and toleration BOTH AGREE ON UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Eighth Premise MW church not equal to state disagreement is allowed but absence of civil rights is not SJ scripture 7 Hauerwas pacifist believes that war or violence is never justified Jesus love thy enemies never be broken he believes pacifism Christianity are the same thing people rather die than kill Niebuhr Christian realist Kingdom of God can t be realized on earth because of corrupt society goodness of humanity was shattered by WWI 8 Political realism morality plays no part do what it takes to win period Christian realism war may be justified if you re saving innocent people morality plays a part in this ideal of war Niebuhr would like if every Christian was pacifist can be clean Of course not Is it the Christian thing to do to watch innocent people be killed so my hands Duty to do something about innocent people dying as Christians It fits in between b c its not political realism and its not pacifism People are sinful god loves people in spite of their sins imperfect world sometimes you have to kill people to save innocent people MARX ISNT ON FINAL Marxism communist manifesto you don t need religion it s a distraction from political reality it keeps you down tells stories of what is going to come in the next life Karl thinks that is doing a disservice to people starting a revolution distracts you mind should be on real world material things don t need to worry about immaterial transcendent world NEIBHER DOESNT LIKE BC undermines justice Marx is a materialist 9 injustice and tyranny consequence of own justice tyranny only grows and gets worse pacifism can t respond to that Democracy isn t perfect but it s better than tyranny 10 Hauerwas believes that Christianity Pacifism are the same thing Jesus says to love thy enemy and it is an absolute command to never be broken people who would rather die than kill he finds it hard to understand how one can be a Christian and not a pacifist 11 Christian stuff involves the conviction that the son would rather die on the cross than for the world to be redeemed by violence Sacrifice to prevent further destruction Christians must live nonviolently in a world of violence because of possibility of resurrection not a strategy to rid the world of violence but rather the way Christians must live in a world of violence faithful followers of Christ in a world of war cannot imagine being anything else than nonviolent A pacifist Christian response to September 11th is just one more version of the anti American sentiments expressed by what many consider to be the American Left 12 Augustinian view of war Justified resort to armed force requires sovereign authority a just cause and right intention sovereign authority person in charge of political community who can t appeal to superiors for justice just cause includes recovery of which has been unjustly taken and punishment of evil doing Jus Ad Bellum right to go to war Jus In Bello right sorts of conduct in war War is result of sin and remedy for sin in political societies We do not seek peace in order to be at war but war to have peace 13 Pacifism opposition to war and violence love thy neighbor deontological or consequentialist views moral principles or pragmatism nonviolence principles and non aggression however permits violence for self defense Realism all nation states are guided by nation s best interests defined in terms of power balance of power primary concern is survival

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