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Ch 5 Outline Learning What is learning Classical Conditioning Who was Ivan Pavlov What was his experiment What is classical conditioning What are the four components of classical conditioning o Unconditioned response o Unconditioned stimulus o Conditioned response o Conditioned stimulus o Taste aversion o Biological preparedness What is acquisition What are some of the conditions that must be met for classical conditioning to occur What is stimulus generalization Discrimination Extinction Spontaneous recovery What is higher order conditioning What is a conditioned emotional response What are some of the theories of classical conditioning o Stimulus substitution o Cognitive perspective Operant Conditioning What is operant conditioning o Thorndike s law of effect o Skinner What is reinforcement o Primary reinforcer o Secondary reinforce o Positive reinforcement o Negative reinforcement o Punishment by application o Punishment by removal Behavior modification What is behavior modification o Token economy o Time out What is punishment What are some of the problems with punishment What are some of the ways to make punishment more effective What is shaping Cognitive Learning Theory Who were the key figures in cognitive learning theory and what did they contribute o Tolman o Kohler Rat experiment Latent learning Chimp studies Insight o Seligman Dog experiment Learned helplessness Observational Learning What is observational learning What are mirror neurons Who was Albert Bandura o Bobo Doll Experiments o Observational Learning o Attention o Memory o Imitation o Motivation What is social learning theory What are the four elements of observational learning

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Ch. 5 Outline: Learning

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