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The Self Personality Identity Self concept self schema Crucial for psychological health Continuity over time security con dence Social presentation interaction with others bonding Distinctiveness Similarity to others typical feedback Increase in negative emotion Motivation to distinguish from others Self descriptors Uncommon experiences Distinctive groups Reduced physical proximity to others Decrease in concern for social acceptance Decrease in self consciousness Decrease in social anxiety and shyness Need for uniqueness Consumer e ects Customized goods unusual shopping venues less popular products I knew about before it was cool Example Charles Darwin knee about survival of the ttest before the Hunger Games Self Awareness Self focus can be taxing potentially distressing Discrepancies between di erent selves Mirror studies self focus Reduces dishonest behavior Increases conformity Example Trick or Treating candy bowl left at two houses one with a mirror The one with a mirror had children that only took one piece of candy The other house without a mirror children took multiple pieces of candy Reducing self focus and self awareness Alcohol and other drugs Binge eating Goal pursuits Self serving biases A zoo of biases Self handicapping Basking in re ected glory Downward comparison Overestimating contributions to groups Self reference e ect Endowment e ect False consensus opinions values False uniqueness abilities characteristics Self veri cation Motivation to maintain self schema Despite con icting information Even if existing schema is negative and new information is more positive Motivation to maintain self schema Despite con icting information Even if existing schema is negative and new information is more positive Mirroring cognitive miser perspective Anxiety reduction increases trust authenticity Facilitates social interaction Self esteem

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UMD PSYC 221 - The Self, Personality

Documents in this Course


26 pages

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

16 pages



30 pages

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

10 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

12 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

10 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

10 pages



10 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

19 pages



8 pages

Test 1

Test 1

14 pages



34 pages

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