Noe Chapter 7 Training an organization s planned efforts to help employees acquire job related knowledge skills abilities and behaviors with the goal of applying these on the job Instructional design a process of systematically developing training to meet specific needs Stages of instructional design Assess needs for training Ensure readiness for training Plan training program with objectives trainers and methods Implement training program Evaluate results of training Learning Management system LMS A computer application that automates the administration development and delivery of training programs helps with instructional design Needs assessment the process of evaluating the organization individual employees and employees tasks to determine what kinds of training if any are necessary Answers three different questions 1 Organization What is the context in which training will occur 2 Person Who needs training 3 Task What subjects should the training cover Organization analysis a process for determining the appropriateness of training by evaluating the characteristics of the organization It looks at resources available the org strategy and management s support Person analysis a process of determining individual s needs and readiness for training Critical when training is considered the response for a performance problem Task analysis the process of identifying the tasks knowledge skills and behaviors that training should emphasize Readiness for training a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training Cognitive ability being able to use written and spoken language solve math problems and use logic to solve problems Situational constraints the limits on training s effectiveness that arise from the situation or the conditions within the organization Social support the ways the organization s people encourage training including giving trainees praise and encouraging words and positive attitudes Ways that managers support training understanding the content of the training know how it relates to their needs ensure employees have the right tools give feedback Characteristics of effective training objectives include expectations include measurable performance standards identify resources needed to carry out desired outcome ONLINE FLASHCARDS Link http quizlet com 41097577 busmhr 3200 exam 4 flash cards password buckeyes Request for proposal RFP a document outlining the type of service needed the type and number of references needed the number of employees to be trained the date the training should be completed and the date by which proposals should be received Overall helps the organization to clarify objectives compare vendors and measure results Training administration people in the organization responsible for coordinating the overall training program Distance learning process of delivering educational or instructional programs to locations away from a classroom E learning receiving training via the internet or the organization s internet Electronic performance support systems EPSSs computer application that provides access to skills training information and expert advice as needed and is faster than attending classes or online classes On the job training OJT training methods in which a person with job experience and skill guides trainees in practicing job skills in the workplace apprenticeships and internships Apprenticeship a work study training method that teaches job skills through OJT and classroom training Bricklayer carpenter plumber welder Internship OJT learning sponsored by an educational institution as a component of an academic program Accountant doctor lawyer nurse Simulation a training method that represents a real life situation with trainees making decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen on the job Virtual reality a computer based technology that provides an interacting three dimensional learning experience Experimental programs training programs in which participants learn concepts and apply them by simulating behaviors involved and analyzing the activity Adventure learning a teamwork and leadership training program based on the use of challenging structured outdoor activities Cross training team training in which team members understand and practice each other s skills so that they are prepared to step in and take other member s places Coordination training team training that teaches the team how to share information and make decisions to obtain the best team performance Team leader training training in the skills necessary for effectively leading the organization s teams Action learning training in which teams get an actual problem work on solving it and commit to an action plan and are accountable for carrying it out Readability the difficulty level of written material Transfer of training on the job use of knowledge skills and behaviors learned in training Communities of practice groups of employees who work together learn from each other and develop a common understanding of how to get work accomplished Diversity training training designed to change employee attitudes about diversity and or develop skills needed to work with a diverse workforce Noe Chapter 9 Employee development the combination of formal education job experiences relationships and assessment of personality and abilities to help employees prepare for the future of their careers Protean career a career that frequently changes based on changes in the person s interests abilities and values in the work environment 4 approaches to employee development 1 interpersonal relationships 2 formal education 3 job experiences 4 assessment Assessment collecting information and providing feedback to employees about their behavior communication style or skills Assessment center where multiple evaluators evaluate an employee s performance on a number of exercising usually as they work in a group at an off site location Leaderless group discussion a team of five to seven employees is assigned a problem and must work together to solve it within a certain period of time used in assessment centers Benchmarks a measurement tool that gathers rating of a manager s use of skills associated with success in managing Transfer assignment of an employee to a position in a different area of the company usually a lateral move Downward move assignment of an employee to a position with less responsibility and authority Promotion assignment of an employee to a
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