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HIST 0430 notes Lecture 2 1 17 14 page 1 The West Eurasia represents civilization based on certain concepts Old West medieval synthesis classical civilizations New West 16th century refer to institutions ideas science Japan and the West great assimilator of foreign cultures 3 things liberty religious then political prosperity capitalism oppression most in 6 8th centuries borrowed from China sometimes Korea 16th 17th centuries first interaction with the West Portuguese Spanish not quite as significant as 19th century 19th century Meiji era all Westerners 19th 20th centuries rise of Japan hegemonic challenges Marco Polo calls Japan Suppongu no Westernization of Japan cultural diffusion went both ways Modernity something undefinably different about recent history 16th century Europe Portuguese Spanish huge Catholic influence war with outside powers Ottoman Empire New factors in 16th century Europe expansion conquest exploration newly unified states Spain France England feudalism dying out slowly new military power building forts instead of castles to defend against new artillery growth of capitalism new markets joint stock corporations new classes middle merchant classes Scientific Revolution 1543 Portuguese shipwreck brings sailors to Japan Portuguese brought Chinese silks other products 1600 Englan darrives pilot 1613 first ship from England to Japan Christianity and Japan Deus deyuso the big lie The Christian Century Roman Catholicism 1549 1650 Francis Xavier primarily linguist but also merchant priest kicked out of Japan 1610 Japanese Christian daimyo Amakusa Shiro 15 year old leader of rebellion Shimabara Rebellion 37k in Hara Castle HIST 0430 notes Lecture 2 1 17 14 page 2 Dutch forced to fire on Christian peasants in Hara Castle Proscription and Persecution 1 control over foreign trade and religion all but Dutch kicked out 2 fumie stamped image 3 Shimabara Rebellion hidden Chrsitians even samurai Hideyoshi s edict starts out strong then weakens 5 seems Draconian Women in Christian Century categories nuns sisters witches catechists Hosokawa daimyo representative of 16 17th century Japan shifting allegiances in 16th century mobility of daimyo domains samurai and the arts Christianity 1603 1867 Tokugawa Shogunate 1 legacy of unifiers Oda Hideyoshi social classes etc etc bird story Oda kill Hideyoshi make Ieyasu wait 2 Battle of Sekigahara 1600 ended with Battle of Osaka Castle 1614 1615 150k people only lasted 6 hours largest battle ever fought on Japanese soil 3 Bakuhan bakufu tent name of Tokugawa shogunate han domains 3 categories of domains 1 shimpan collateral houses pick from domains when royal line runs out 2 fudai hereditary vassals closely tied to main line most of officials chosen from fudai 3 tozama clans that sided against Tokugawa outer lords daimyo alternate attendance 4 social class system samurai peasant artisan merchants Central government of Tokugawa 1 Ro ju senior councellors could have tairo presided over everyone in emergencies 2 bugyo magistrates governors overseers HIST 0430 notes Lecture 2 1 17 14 page 3 3 metsuke 3 inspectors spies of the shogun Shogunal succession idea of keeping a shogun even if he has resigned so puppet regime

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Pitt HIST 0430 - The West

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