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Two kinds of international institutions Intergovernmental Supranational Intergovernmental institutions Most common Member states make decisions Relatively Supranational institutions Uncommon Exercise certain power independently Member states must comply with decisions even if they disagree The EU has a mix of intergovernmental and supranational institutions Some of its institutions are dependent of national government control Some of them meet the guidelines of government in order to make decisions EU treaties determine the role and responsibilities of all EU bodies The European commission Represents the general interests of the EU not of member states Goals are very important to work towards They should do that despite objections by the member states One of their main objectives is to create a single market To safeguard the general interests and overall goal of the EU Not there to represent national interests just general interest of EU HEADQUARTERS in Brussels capital of Belgium Organization College of commissioners European commission One commissioner per member state 28 total Headed by the commission president Jose Manuel Barroso president of the European commission Appointment National governments select president President works with member states to select rest of commissioners Approval of European parliament Need to get a vote of confidence Commission president sets the basic goals and style of the commission Each commissioner has a cabinet of trusted advisors Decisions are made by the entire college not individual commissioners Commissioners put national allegiances aside they do not represent their countries of origin Commission responsibilities Legislative responsibilities Approve subsequent changes Does not vote on new laws Executive responsibilities Administers EU spending Oversees EU spending Guardian of the treaties It can take action against governments and corporations which break EU law Legislative initiative every new law the eu makes the first draft is written by the European commission Violators to the European court of justice External relations Role Represents the EU interests in international negotiations Represents collective interests of the member states One of the two main legislative bodies along with the European parliament Discusses commission proposals Makes foreign policy The council of the EU Organization Council formations Composed of Government ministers form the member states Composition of the council depends on the policy discussed different formations The ministers attending a meeting depend on the policy under discussion The two most significant formations General affairs and external relations Foreign ministers Coordinates all the other councils Manages foreign relations Economics and financial affairs Economics finance ministers Manages economic and monetary affairs Presidency of the council of the EU Not occupied by an individual Rotates among member states Each member state holds the presidency for six months Role during its presidency the member state chairs council of minister sessions Coordinates member state action and outline policy priorities cid 127

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UIUC PS 348 - International Institutions

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