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The scientific study of human behavior and the application of the gained knowledge 3 31 14 What is psychology Goals of psychology Observe behavior o How do people behave Explain the behavior o Why do people behave the way they do o Based on THEORY Predict behavior o o Predict what will happen next that hasn t happened yet Predicting future behavior To predict or explain our subject s behavior we need A theory of personality what type of personality is this person A theory of the effects of the social environment A theory of motivation how rewarding is applause Money Areas within psychology basic research psychology o Goal to acquire knowledge o o May not lead to direct application immediately For its own sake Biopsychology behavioral neuroscience study of brain and behavior o What is autism Developmental psychology study of physical social cognitive development o Often don t develop at the same time Social psychology study of social behavior o How we engage with each other o How do we react to social behavior Cognitive psychology study of mental processes language memory o Reasoning Applied psychology Personality psychology study of determinants of personality o Goal to apply knowledge Clinical and counseling psychology o Fears depression disorders etc Industrial organizational psychology

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UW PSYCH 101 - Study Guide

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