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1 What are traits 2 Define personality 3 What are the 3 influences on behavior 4 Who is the founder of the psychoanalytic movement 5 What are the core assumptions of the psychoanalytic theory of personality 6 Distinguish between conscious preconscious and unconscious 7 What do behavioral social learning and humasnistic thoeries focus on 8 What are the three major components of Carl Rodgers model of personality 9 Who do individualistics focus on 10 Who do collectives focus on 11 What are two types of personality tests 12 When two or more roles make conflicting demands it s called 13 What are the differences between out groups and in groups 14 Define upward comparison 15 Define self handicapping 16 A learned tendency to respond to people objects or institutions in a positive or negative way is called 17 Neo Fruedians theories are derived from Freud s models and emphasize on behaviors and place less emphasis on sexuality as a driving force in personality 18 Accepted standard of appropriate behavior is called 19 Better performance in the prescence of others can be difined as 20 True or False Compliance is bending to the request of one person who has a lot of social power 21 Give an example of phrenology 22 Give two examples of different kinds of psychologists 23 This kind of drug influences mood and arousal 24 True or False Acetylcholine controls voluntary motor controls attention and sleeping 25 Describe the Ebbinghus and the Curve of Forgetting 26 What is the gestrual language called used among the deaf 27 True or False Circadian rythms involve sleeping patterns 28 What are the female and male hormones 29 What chromosomes are females born with 30 Describe the prenatal hormone theory 31 True or False Rapes are usually done by strangers of the victims 32 Define connotative meaning 33 Explain the emotional barrier to problem solving 34 The sympathetic nervous systems controls what 35 What is the fear center in the brain 36 Define the facial feedback hypothesis 37 What s the difference between homophobia and heterosexism 38 True or False Erogenous zones aren t sexual arousal starting points 39 Define insight 40 Who was the guy who invented the social stage theory 41 Define presbyopia 42 What are cones in charge of seeing 43 Define hyperopia 44 Define myopia 45 What is an astigmatism 46 Describe conductive hearing loss 47 Describe the lock and key theory 48 Why is the timing of reinforcement so important 49 What are social reinforcers 50 Describe the observations of the Bandura s Bobo Doll Experiment 51 Define false memories 52 What is the most effective way to memorize things 53 What s the different between proactive and retroactive interference 57 Memory champions enhance memory with 58 Hippocampus is the switching station between and 54 What is a mental image 55 What are flashbulb memories 56 What is eidetic imagery 59 What is kinestic imagery 60 What are the units of thoughts 61 Define cognition 63 What are heuristics 64 What are insightful solutions 65 What is the framing effect 62 Recognize and understand the three types of concepts

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Study Guide

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