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UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND COMM 107 Oral Communication Principles and Practices Spring 2013 MID TERM STUDY GUIDE What are the different forms of communications o Intrapersonal communication personal communication communicating with yourself o Interpersonal communication communication between two or more people o Public communication speaker sending a message to an audience o Selective communication we choose the symbol we best believe represents the idea or concept we with to express Explain the difference between a linear interactive and transactional model of communication o Linear a source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver though one of more sensory channels director gives a speech over TV to district offices no chance for feedback o Interactive a source encodes and sends a message to a receiver the receiver receives and decodes the message then encodes the message and sends feedback a director gives a speech over TV to district offices a member ask a question chance for feedback o Transactional source and receiver play interchangeable roles sales person enter public relations speak then have a conversation back and forth What impact does Frame of Reference have on the communication process Name and explain the different forms of noises o Environmental noise outside interference that prevents receiver from gaining message o Physiological impairment noise block the effecting sending or receiving of a message deaf blind being hungry tired o Semantic noise meaning of words o Syntactical noise customary way of putting words in grammatical order o Organizational noise certain ideas are best when grouped together structure o Cultural noise attitudes from a group of society about how members of that culture should act o Psychological noise stress frustration irritation what s on your mind Name and define the four styles of speech delivery and identify what method of delivery is used in COMM 107 o Manuscript written out fully and read to the audience that is committed to memory o Memorize know exactly what you are going to say o Impromptu speech delivered with no or little preparation o Extemporaneous speech carefully prepared and rehearsed planned presented from brief notes and has conversational quality use in class Name and explain the three components of a speech introduction o Attention grabber stats story thought provoking illustration provoking quote quotes demonstration o Psychological orientation why topic is important o Logical orientation preview of main points Give several examples of an effective grabber o Stats o Story o Thought provoking quote or question o Quotes o Demonstration Explain how an effective speech conclusion is structured o Summary o Clincher A good speech is always When two people from a different region communicate and have an issue with whether a soft drink is called soda pop or another name What form of noise is this o Cultural noise When a person is stressed and frustrated it begins to affect their communication What form of noise is this o Psychological noise What are the functions of Language o Emotive language connotative words to express feelings attitudes emotions of speaker o Phactic language one whose function is to perform a social task o Rhetorical language influence thoughts and behavior What function of Language involves greetings and farewells Define the difference between the denotative and connotative meaning of a word o Denotative direct implicit meaning o Connotative cant agree exactly on what certain words mean List and define the three steps of the perception process o Collect the evidence o Organize cues o Interpret cues Define Non Verbal Communication o Composed of all those messages that people exchange beyond words themselves Define the relationship of nonverbal behavior to verbal behavior Refer to the chart on page 60 of your textbook Which nonverbal relationship occurs when a nod indicating yes replaces the use of the actual word Which relationship occurs when a person nods yes but says no Define Kinesics and give examples of fasics ocalics gestics haptics and posture o Kinesics body communication study of communication through the body and its movements Fasics the face sends out info Ocalics eyes Gestics gestures Haptics touch What are artifacts o Artifacts are jewelery clothing makeup glasses Define the four classifications that explain spatial needs in our society o Intimate o Personal o Social o Public What is Self Talk o Communicating with yourself List and define the organizational structures than can be used when organizing the body of a speech o Spatial arrangement organizing information without being aware of it o Time arrangement orders information from beginning to end o Topical arrangement speaker explains an idea in terms of its parts o Causal arrangement has two or more events that are connected o Comparison contrast arrangement similarities and differences within a topic o Problem and solution arrangement identify what is wrong and how to fix it Which organizational arrangement uses a geographical arrangement o Time arrangement Name the organizational structure that is reserved solely for persuasive speech o Problem solving

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