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Psych Lecture 11 19 2013 Outline for class 2 Introduction to Psychology study skills Finish going over syllabus reminders intropsy pitt edu email for questions no names or dates for exams Psychology science of behavior and mental processes Goals of Psychology Describe o Ex the way people behave in certain situations o Observe how many people hold the door open for people behind them 25 of people held door open Predit o Future behavior o How people may behave in company setting prediction by using evidence o Industrial psychology Understand o Theories about how things work o Theorizing what some of the things are that makes it hard for certain people to learn a second language as an adult o Try to refine theories and move forward Influence o Make a change in people o Clinical psychology help make people feel better and influence how they feel about themselves Assumptions of Psychology Behavior is at least somewhat predictable Basic versus applied research Basic science for the sake of science o Want to know why some people might give electric shocks to other people in studies o No intention of changing anything just trying to see why certain things are happening even if they may seem o Help to later change things leads applied once we figure out how things work we can figure out how to make things dangerous change Applied direct attempt to influence o Research to help change practices Areas of Modern Psychology Biological psychophysiology behavior Cognitive language memory learning thinking problem solving Developmental change of life span newborn to adulthood Clinical counseling schooling Industrial organizational workplace matching employees to job promoting job satisfaction Social influence of other people on our behavior groups mobs Education school children learning testing consult with teachers Health how behavior affects health smoking exposure to drugs prejudice stress Founding of psychology No formal founding The people credited for founding were Wilhelm wundt leiqpzig Germany 1879 and William james Harvard university 1875 Evolution of Psychology as a Discipline Founding o No formal founding o The people credited for founding study conscious experience by breaking it into basic elements Structuralism how people experience life Used introspection have someone reflect on their own experiences o Eating apple think about the way apple feels and tastes o Some people don t perceive everything not the only method used anymore unless talk through what you re doing Gestalt Psychology The whole is different than the sum of its parts o each little part will be hard to interpret without the whole object Functionalism criticized structuralism the mind is too complex to be broken down o stream of consciousness that is all over the place function of consciousness o consciousness is there to make us survive evolved into cognitive psych Behaviorism and social learning theory Behaviorism o Can t study conscious experience People studied learning from experience o Outward observable behavior see how they behaved not what they were thinking Social learning theory o Learning from others Psychometrics came important as technology changed measurement of mental functions give a good reliable to the tests intelligence testing standardized testing personality job aptitude The nature of the unconscious mind mental processes of which we are unaware innate motives conflicts lead to psychological problems which lead to freud s psychoanalysis o psychoanalysis is examining the cause of these motives and conflicts to help relieve some psychological problems from patients Brandsofrd and Johnson 1972 Wanted to see if it was easy to comprehend things if you did not have exposure to it before Mean number of ideas recalled o If there was no other information most people scored 2 3 out of 7 comprehension 25 for recalling o If the person knew what the description was about they scored 6 1 out of 7 57 for recalling Context Aids memory and understand o What we test on exams Chapter outlines Advanced look Reinforce heirachrial organization relationships among concepts what should go together Study skills preview of memory research on learning and memory Learning is any change in behavior external or internal Have to attend information appropriately in order for it to change thinking or behavior Main source of forgetting is lack of initial learning o Most people don t learn because of multitasking Wont take in the information you are trying to comprehend Thinking about what you have to do next week instead of paying attention to lecture Context for learning see above Hierarchical organization Really study Distributed not massed practice over time we learn better than cramming better learning and memory would equal spreading out the time to study information wait at least a day in between studying to let it absorb Mnemonic devices methods for remembering material better method of loci latin for places o store memories for easier recall as places for cues remembering grocery list imagine going to car to go to supermarket Imagine groceries at different locations ie on mailbox bread how is this different than basic association Using a path familiar to you and visualizing association isn t as visual acronym method o Roy G Biv o The name helps remember more information with a simple term Keyword method face o For learning second language vocab Ex payaso clown pie ah so pie is shoved in clowns Critical Thinking apply concepts to your own life will aid in learning and memory self explanation o read some text and explain to yourself what it means helps memory Other study recommendations Rewrite notes see where there are questions and go to office hours Notecards good for terminology memorization but not application Study groups OFFICE HOURS AND ACADEMIC RESOURCE CENTER Chapter 2 Courseweb SIDE NOTES introspection isn t always accurate because everyone isn t aware of unconscious motives gestalt has a lot to do with perception and sensation visually stimulating everything can t be broken down into little pieces the whole influences how you see things learning broadly memorizing understanding application ability to knowledge Exam 1 NO NAMES OR DATES Psych Lecture 11 19 2013 What effect nurture has on our behavior NOTE Sennott square room 3419 TA office hours Outline for class 3 Research methods in psychology Doing Science 4 steps 1 Create a theory tentative explanation of how things work 2 Derive hypotheses prediction based

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Pitt PSY 0010 - Goals of Psychology

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