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10 27 2011 Sensation detection of stimuli at level of receptors Perception organization interpretation of sensory info at level of brain Synesthesis input doesn t match output When info comes in brain perceives it as a different area o Ex smell is perceived as a color Absolute threshold level at which 50 of a population can detect a stimuli Difference threshold after you d reached absolute threshold at what point do you notice the difference Just Noticeable Difference JND amount that stimulus has to change before you perceive it Webber s Law JND is going to depend on the starting value of the sound Sensory receptors located everywhere in the body all pick up different info and take info energy and turn it into electrical info your body can use Transduction the process of the conversion of light energy to electrical info Sensory adaption continuous info is longer used needed SENSES Hearing vestibular kinesthetic vision olfaction taste tactile Hearing Sound is the pushing of air Frequency amount of cycles per time period Amplitude height Decibel scale shows the psychological response at different frequencies Vestibular sense down ect Tells what orientation your head is straight looking to side upside Done by 3 semi circular canals canals have liquid in them that move the hairs receptors Kinesthetic sense Tells you where your body parts are Receptors in joints ligaments muscles Inputs info to somatosensory cortex Vision Visible spectrum part of wavelength you can see detect small Wavelengths the distance from the peak od a light wave to the sliver ROYGBIV peak of the next wave Saccadic eye movement your eye moves itself so the light can actually move across the retina Color vision o Trichromatic theory when you look at different cones your detecting 3 different wavelengths Brain puts it together and codes for it o Opponent process theory when they re firing you re experiencing one color when they re not firing you re experiencing another Depth Cues o Depth perception ability to perceive the visual world in 3 dimensions and judge distance accurately o Binocular depth cues depend on both eyes working together Convergence info that comes from the muscles around your eyes those muscles turn your eyes to the focal Binocular disparity for every image you see 2 images point get sent to your brain The Invisible Gorilla Video people miss the gorilla more than miss the curtain color changing Olfaction olfactory bulb to thalamus also has connections to the amygdala emotions and hippocampus memory receptors on silia see attached diagram tongue and taste 5 taste receptors salty sour sweet umami bitter taste buds are along the outer edges of papillae each taste bud has multiple cells but one recetptor Tactile See attached note sheet Function of pain and how it s influenced by psychological factors Pain is good you need pain to keep you out of harms way Psychological factors o Attention the more attention you pay to pain the worse it seems o PlaceBo effect when people think they are taking pain medication it will instantly help the pain o Negative thought if you re already in a negative state of mind it exaggerates the pain Ex stub your toe on a bad day it hurts more Stub it on a good day and you ll probably laugh it off o Suppression Exaggeration people exaggerate pain Ex stub toe your whole foot hurts Endorphins hide pain o visual system can override the affect of endorphins if you see blood or something worse endorphins disappear and you feel the pain Gestalt Principles govern perceptions in all humans Gestalt principles of perceptional organization Similarity if there s something similar about an object we automatically group them together Proximity objects close together belong together Continuity objects perceived as belonging together if they form a continuous shape Closure figures with gaps are perceived as complete figures The brain compares motion to something that seems stable in the Autokinetic illusion you think light is moving because your eye itself is Brain Motion background moving 3 types of puzzling perception ambiguous figures perceptional system tries to resolve uncertainty by viewing figures one way then the other impossible figures may not seem unusual until you examine them closely and see the impossibility illusions false perceptions or misperceptions of an actual stimulus in the environment o ponzo illusion place same length lines no a monocular depth cue the one further away seems larger subliminal perception people are able to detect information in the environment below absolute threshold research suggests it can influence behavior extrasensory perception ESP beyond the typical set of senses we have some studies show it exists but it it s not reliable way of info telepathy ability is to send info to someone else clairvoyance ability to receive info from someone else precognition determining events before they actually happen synesthesia capacity for experiencing unusual sensations along with ordinary ones 10 27 2011 Associative Learning Classical conditioning operant conditioning learning a relatively permanent change in ones behavior knowledge capability or attitude that is acquired through experience Classical Conditioning learning through stimuli associating one stimulus with another Stimulus an event object in the environment that an organism repsonds to Unconditioned stimulus un natural Unconditioned response Conditioned stimulus Conditioned response many red bull vodkas o US vodka o UR nauseous o CS redbull o CR nauseous Example getting nauseous at the taste of redbull after drinking too Pavlov dog experiement studied how saliva was ability to break down food in process ran doorbell everytime dog was fed Dogs heard doorbell and would automatically salivate because they knew that meant someone was bringing them food US food UR salivate CS bell on door CR salivate Three Stages to Learning Acquisition however many times you compare the CS with the US you need to aquire the aquistion Extinction breaking the association continually present that CS without the US so they are no longer assiociated together Spontaneous Recovery you ve gone through full extinction don t present CS or US for a while Re present the same CS and you ll see a response Kinds of changes in stimuli and learning conditions that lead to changes in conditioned response Generalization o Little Albert Experiment white lab rat presented to little boy he liked it Rat then presented with loud bang and he

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Pitt PSY 0010 - Lecture Note

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