Chapter 1 Communication conscious unconscious intentional unintentional process in which feelings and ideas are expressed as verbal nonverbal messages that are sent received and comprehended Linear model Communication characteristics dynamic continuous irreversible interactive contextual Interactional Model Transactional Model Noise if the receiver can t decode the message can t understand the words language barrier environmental outside interference that prevents the receiver from gaining the message physiological physical problem can block the effective sending or receiving of a message deaf semantic problems that arise regarding the meaning of words syntactical inappropriate grammatical usage organizational when the source fails to realize that certain ideas are best grasped when presented in a structured order cultural results from preconceived unyielding attitudes derived from a group society about how members of that culture should act psychological stress frustration irritation causes us to send receive messages ineffectively Communication Culture communicating multiculturally ethnocentrism consider views and standards of our own in group as much more important than any out groups o in group group that individual identifies with o out group group that individual doesn t identify with cultural relativism worldview and standpoint that no culture is superior to any other one and that any culture deserves to be described understood and judged on its own premises Chapter 2 Foundations of Verbal Language Language act of speech itself isn t communication communication involves the development of relationships vocal sounds and syllables Cybernetic Process the process that describes that the human cortex functions much like a computer receiving storing processing and retrieving information symbol image understanding messages through senses cortex The Concept of Meaning language itself isn t inherently meaningful symbolic denotative direct explicit meanings connotative implied or suggested meaning language distortion intentional unintentional use of language that is unclear o ambiguity present when a word has more than one interpretation o vagueness lack clarity o doublespeak form of vagueness that is deceptive evasive or confusing o inarticulates filler words uh um huh Chapter 3 Nonverbal Communication carries the impact of the message key characteristics o sensitive to the relationship between sender and receiver contextual o part of not separate from verbal communication o one cannot not communicate continuous b c of nonverbal Sources o Cultural o Neurological innate automatic reactions to stimuli o Emotional Substitutive relationship replace verbal with a nonverbal sign Complimenting relationship nonverbal works with verbal Conflicting relationship when verbal and nonverbal don t match up Accenting relationship accentuates reinforces message Channels of Nonverbal Communication o Fascics facial expressions o Kinesics study of body language o Body synchrony posture body position o Gestics gestures o Ocalics eye contact o Haptics touch o Artifactics what you put on yourself clothing jewelry o Proxemics how people perceive social and personal space o Paravocalics vocal effects rate volume pauses pitch Chapter 4 Listening Listening active process doesn t just involve ears important for learning work life process that involves reception attention perception Hearing a biological activity that involves reception of a message through sensory channels Attention represents the focus on a specific stimulus selected from all the stimuli received at any given moment Perception person takes the material received and attempts to analyze what has been input screening process Roles and Responsibilities of the Interviewer o Prepare the outline to achieve interview purpose o Determine the setting and interview format o Open interview with small talk make person comfortable o Design questions o Close the interview appropriately Types of Questions o Direct explicit and require specific replies o Open less direct and specify only the topic o Closed yes or no questions o Probes used to elicit a more detailed response Discriminative listening attempt to distinguish auditory and visual stimuli Comprehension listening the objective is to recognize and retain the information Tips for Improving Listening o Suspend judgment o Be a patient listener o Avoid egospeak o Be aware of emotional responses o Paraphrase Chapter 5 The Self and Perception Intrapersonal dialogue inner dialogue silent thinking before talking starting point of all communication self talk self concept emotions self esteem beliefs personal traits goals impacts the way we communicate with others real self what you think of yourself vs public self the self you let others know vs ideal self who you would like to be or think you should be Chapter 6 Interpersonal Communication necessitates give and take and communication involves relationships and information influences o self disclosure intentionally letting the other person know who you are by communicating self revealing information o intimacy o self perceived I vs others perceived me Knapp s Relationship Escalation Model initiation stage intro 15 seconds 1 2 experimenting asking someone questions to gain more info 3 4 5 bonding formal relationship intensifying self disclosure stage integrating give yourself a title seeking approval gaining compliance Power o referent based on loyalty love o coercive bribery o guilt Knapp s Relationship Termination Model 1 differentiating me over we 2 circumscribing diminishes in volume of communication 3 stagnating stop discussing relationship no mutual feelings actions 4 avoiding little no discussion taking place terminating natural mutual or legal 5 Economic Model of Relationships rewards costs Gender and Communication various perspectives alike different because of construction of brain cross culturally socially constructed women use more words than men to make their point men are more competitive in their speaking men tend to be more task orientated women are more supportive conversationalists men are more direct in their communication women disclose more personal info Chapter 7 Causes of Interpersonal Conflict goals to be pursued allocation of resources decisions to be made behaviors considered inappropriate Approaches to Conflict Management avoidance accommodation smoothing over compromise competition aggression integration win win situation Effects
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