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PR EXAM 3 Chapters 15 16 19 Lecture Material Key Skill in PR effective written spoken COMMUNICATION Cornerstone of PR RESEARCH Develop relationship with reporters through credibility NOT a friendship THE INVERTED PYRAMID functions as a method of preserving important information when an article gets cut down because of space restrictions begins with the summary lead then add facts in descending order of importance done so that the story may be edited to fit available space by cutting off the end of the story nothing of significance lost THE SUMMARY LEAD who what where when why how WHAT the most important and needs to come first in article press release etc PRINT v ELECTRONIC MEDIA LEADS HARD LEAD PRINT o simple sentences o active voice John threw the ball versus The ball was thrown by John o 22 25 words max SOFT LEAD ELECTRONIC o simple sentences o active voice See above o 18 20 words max shorter o FIRST words 2 3 are throw away just assume people miss it FEATURE STORY can be longer to develop and generate interest of course FORMAT for the NEWS RELEASE Spacing typed double spaced standard 8 1 2 x 11 page Paper Cre me or white or light grey Identification Company organization letterhead Release date Margins Standard Length 1 PAGE Paragraphs Suggested Headlines clever NOT cute Timing critical Know the paper s deadlines and act accordingly Using the internet email may not be best plan go and deliver in person if possible PROOFREADING credibility factor SLUG LINE o slug line is code that the reporter will understand concerns pages o Bottom of page more 30 or if more on next page END MEDIA KITS more on Ch 16 BEST way to get reporter s attention and supply with accurate facts differs from issue to issue or event to event something May include put in self Bio straight bullets or narrative CEO important people or org Backgrounder B roll background roll contained pocket folder or Feature feature length story Case History development of product By liner aka ghost writing article written by one person and signed by another usually CEO Memorandum typically internal correspondence but can be used as a key for press industry segmet opposed to individual company automotive knowing what s going on Pitch letter Round up article industry v Ford Fact sheet important s Position paper how our company stands out Standby statement here s what we are going to say when x happens Speech NEWS CONFERENCES be careful MAJOR EVENTS ONLY reporters don t like them not enough time but if it s REALLY important it s a good way to get the info out held where it best suits the media unless the location itself is what is newsworthy ex swimming pool for horses must SEE location to get the full effect be mindful of media deadlines hold for major events only if you can get the info to the media quicker simpler with a news release DO THAT INSTEAD EXCLUSIVES not really fair creates alliances and doesn t build a range of good relationships with the press in general don t use these Exception news of limited interest might get coverage if given as an exclusive If you do rotate the exclusives with the media don t play favorites TALKING OFF THE RECORD in general don t do it very tricky and reporters like to manipulate what was said so they can get a quote IMPORTANT establish the rules FIRST be clear when you go OFF and when you go BACK ON the record offer the reporter something in return MANAGING CRISES The Do s and Don ts of a Public Relations Crisis CRISIS any situation that can affect the well being v EMERGENCY something happens and you deal with it but it doesn t affect the well being of an org Timeframe of a Crisis of an organization Shock don t believe just what happened denial Anger many people harbored hate and disrespect for Arab Siege mentality cocooning not going out and staying isolated w in the home Adjustment making adjustments to norms TSA restrictions and procedures Adaptation people aren t surprised anymore about TSA regulations and just go with it TYPES of CRISES Muslims after 9 11 Fire explosions product tampering Tylenol example law suits environmental damage 1989 Exxon Valdez still litigation product defects terrorism 3 MAJOR TYPES IMMEDIATE happening right now EMERGING shit is going to hit the fan just a matter of time SUSTAINED ongoing issue Exxon Valdez Challenger explosion etc RAMIFICATIONS Stock devaluation lose money Decrease in consumer confidence lose customers Loss of the public trust lose good reputation Legal FEES Political Intervention COMMUNICATING during a CRISIS DO NOT SPECULATE just say I don t know and I will find out Make your point and REPEAT often Usually keep CEO away from press but if he is articulate and can handle it go for it Est self as the most AUTHORITATIVE source STAY ON RECORD Anticipate questions and prepare good answers TALKING TO MEDIA o speak first and often o don t speculate o stay on the record o stay with the facts o be open and concerned not defensive o make your pt and repeat often o don t WAGE WAR with the media o Est self as authority source o Stay CALM and TRUTHFUL NEVER LIE TODAY S REPORTERS young inexperienced and not well trained in journalism don t understand org and gov and how they work skeptical of any PR effort so you must win their trust and keep it

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