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ANT2511 INTRO TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY CHAPTER 13 THE NEANDERTHALS Hominid Evolution occurred in Middle to Late Pleistocene 600 kya H Heidelbergensis precursor to Neanderthals begins surfacing during this period Neanderthals make first appearance in Europe 1 Kabwe Broken Hill Zambia 400 200 kya Prominent torus large face long low cranium occipital bun robust post crania skull not football shaped 1325 cc brain size modern human sized brain 2 Sima de los Huesos Atapuerca Pit of bones possible burial 28 remains found 550 350 kya Most remains are considered H heidelbergensis 3 Schoningen Germany 400 kya Well preserved wooden spears found in anaerobic environment no oxygen o Earliest oldest organic tools ever discovered o Indicates use of other materials beyond just stone for tools H heidelbergensis first clear evidence of large game hunting Systematic organized hunting Stampede prey off cliff Classic Neanderthal 27 150 kya Found in Europe Middle East Western Asia Neander Valley Germany 1856 Burial site at La Chapelle aux Saints Lived in Ice Age environment freezing periods interspersed with warmer interglacial periods Mega fauna gigantism common cave animals ANT2511 INTRO TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Cranial Morphology of Neanderthals Post Crania Morphology of Neanderthals Large supraorbital torus brow ridges Massive build Huge nasal aperture hole where the nose goes Short stature Occipital bun Barrel chest Mid facial prognathism Retro molar space space at back of jaw past molars Large brain size 1400 cc No projecting chin retreating mandibular symphysis Long low crania Distinctive inner ear less agility less adept balance skills Short limbs Heavy muscle markings on bone Adaptive to cold environment Gracile superior pubic ramus pelvic bone Big brain but short developmental period slightly faster than modern humans ANT2511 INTRO TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Intentional buriels Neanderthal hyoid bones may indicate speech language ability Mental capacity for language Control of fire Caves home bases Mousterian tool industry used TOOL DEVELOPMENT Mousterian Industry 150 130 kya Characteristics of Mousterian Industry o Lavallois flake technique prepared core o Knives punches dentrites etc Neanderthals DEFINITELY o Wore clothing o Controlled fire o Hunted close contact hunting Neanderthals used varying tool types o Side scrapers 1 rough edge 1 smooth edge o Points fit onto end of spears o Burins used as chisel tool engraver o Denticulate saw like used to drill holes o Teeth used as tools Neanderthal Finding Sites 4 Vilas Ruivas Portugal 60 kya 5 Kebara Israel 60 kya Mousterian Industry earliest known constructed hearths Contains most complete Neanderthal skeleton known Preserved hyoid missing cranium 25 000 Mousterian stone tools 6 Amud Israel 70 50 kya Fragmentary skeleton 1 8 meters tall 1 740 cc largest brain size 7 Tabun Israel 200 41 kya Thousands of stone tools and animal remains present Shows long sequence of intermittent hominin occupation

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