The Self Personality Psyc221 09 19 2012 Identity Self concept self schema Very important for psychological health fulfillment Continuity over time Social presentation interaction w others bonding Distinctiveness Similarity to others typical feedback Increase in negative emotion Motivation to distinguish from others Self descriptors Uncommon experiences Distinctive groups Reduce physical proximity to others Personality Need for Uniqueness NFU Less concern for social acceptance Less self consciousness Less social anxiety shyness Consumer effects Preference for customized goods unusual shopping venues less popular products I knew about before it was cool Self understanding does not equal self awareness Self focus can be taxing effortful potentially distressing Discrepancies between different selves Mirror studies Self focus Reduces dishonest behavior Increases consistency Increases conformity Self serving bias A zoo of biases Self handicapping Basking in reflected glory Downward comparison Overestimating contributions to groups Self reference effect Endowment effect False consensus opinions values False uniqueness abilities characteristics The Self online Easier to be genuine online Irony of internet anonymity Those who express their true self online More likely to form close relationships with people they meet online Self Verification Motivation to maintain self schema Despite conflicting information Even if existing schema is negative and new information is more positive Motivation to maintain self schema Despite conflicting information Even if existing schema is negative and new information is more positive Cognitive miser perspective Coherence of self concept authenticity Anxiety reduction increases trust Facilitates social interaction Self Esteem Appraisal of oneself as good bad self worth Positive connotations Associated with clear understanding of the self Self Concept Clarity Effects on behavior High SE expressing opinions assertive but also cooperative in group work maintaining eye contact Less prone to social influence Low SE Inappropriate physical gestures overly dramatic excessive excuses for failures less eye contact More prone to social influence Sociometer theory Physical appearance AKA Halo Effect Larger than social academic or athletic competence What else contributes to self esteem Feedback from others character evaluations Family school work peers Periods of change transition Outcomes of self esteem High self esteem Associated with general mental health Less distress affective buffering Mixed findings for academic achievement Low self esteem Depression suicide eating disorders delinquency and other adjustment problems Double edged sword Narcissism A self centered and self concerned approach toward others Anti social behaviors associated with high self esteem aggression Is self esteem always good Costly pursuits of self esteem inflated Reverse causality Desire to believe we re worthy and good in a vacuum artificially Lack of motivation to improve learn master a task better oneself Dweck s education research Increasing self esteem In a healthy way Domains of competence breadth depth Achievement accomplishments Capitalization Coping strategies dealing with defeat adversity and change transition Benefits of adversity Rising to challenges self concept grows You re stronger than you realized Strengthening social ties relationships Optimists benefit from tragedy trauma Different than baseline recovery Personality 3 levels Level 1 Trait Level 2 Adaptation change with changing environment Bidirectional influence with Level 1 Level 3 Life story narrative Integrates a reconstructed past perceived present and anticipated future into a coherent and vitalizing life myth Self Control will power Ego depletion the self as a limited resource Delay gratification Conscientiousness responsibility Two kinds of motivation Achievement Motivation Processes Intrinsic Motivation Internal factors Curiosity challenge Inherent value in the activity more enthusiasm effort enjoyment success Extrinsic Motivation External factors Rewards incentives punishments deadlines competition Conditioning compensation competition effort and performance dependent on reward incentive Self Determination Control over behavior through resolve effort not because of external Over Justification Two competing motivations are disruptive Priming activating selfish vs communal goals Fear of failure Esp with public evaluation Self enhancement self esteem success or rewards Causal agency Empowerment Contributes to intrinsic motivation Very important for psychological well being Psychological food increases happiness life satisfaction 1 Competence self efficacy 2 Autonomy internal intrinsic control Identity Uniqueness 3 Relatedness social ties relationships Need to belong Love and Work intimate relationships More job career satisfaction fulfillment Less negative spillover Less fear of failure occur by Encouragement support increased confidence Dependency Paradox Label Secure Autonomous Implications for self determination theory Reactance Asserting freedom autonomy even rebellion Adolescence Romeo Juliet effect M rated video games Mindset implicit theories Entity fixed abilities traits Level 2 Incremental change development Seek environments that are well suited for existing abilities Level 1 Seek new challenging environments Intervention teach that intelligence skill willpower can be built and improved with practice Level 2 Level 1 Expectation reality Education policy workplace psychology Value the work the process mastery and learning Encourage curiosity intellectual growth challenges and self expansion Think outside the box Recall need for uniqueness innovation Some extrinsic motivators work well Praise from supportive people efficacy competence Motivation and Meaning Making 09 19 2012 Meaning connects 2 phenomena even if physically separate distinct similar to attributions Stability vs change meaning making generates order continuity Allows for consolidating new information growth adaptation Levels of meaning Goal states Lower level Concrete immediate specifics details Paying attention in class Upper level Abstract longer time span connections between actions Getting an education Awareness for high level vs low level goals changes depending on situation Problem solving downshift Thriving upshift Upshift life satisfaction Four needs meaning of life 1 Purpose Connection between present action and future events states of
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