PSYC 221 Spring 2012 Study Guide for Final Exam Note This study guide is for all the material since exam 3 All other material from the rest of the semester is fair game to appear on the final exam so you can utilize the other 3 study guides I posted for the midterms I Group Behavior Commons dilemma AKA public good dilemma tragedy of the commons dilemma whether to be selfish and take more resources or be more altruistic take as many m ms you want bowl gets refilled also extra credit points a Free rider problem social loafing deindividuation b Ways to reduce selfish behavior in groups individuation social norms positive role modeling operant conditioning legality culture Pluralistic ignorance individuals in a group erroneously assume everyone else in the group understands normative behaviors the task directions given in gibberish Mere exposure a Impact on performance evaluation apprehension if youre an expert performing in front of a group youll do better If youre not you will fail b Variables that influence arousal in public performance settings moderate arousal good too much or too little decrease performance who is watching how close they are number Group polarization and risky shift so sure about behavior becomes risky Groupthink going along with groups feelings group always seem like they agree and pretend conformity group sticks to preferred course of action refusing to alter or change due to flaws self censorship Power and leadership power resources cold people stay leaders for longest amount of time power is bidirectional contingent upon success is not top to bottom a Aspects of leaders how they re chosen competent decisive consistent after decision even after wrong power corrupts social acceptance and promotion feels good list on sheet Morality at the level of the group vs the individual homoduplex angel v beast II Political psychology Change or lack thereof across the lifespan in ideology attitudes political ideologies don t change over the lifespan parents view influences 30 political extreme or social environment can change this Psychological differences between liberals conservatives i Conservatives value social order group level morality high in group loyalty high disgust ii Liberals less emphasis on respect for authority and purity high individuation a Restricted vs open perception conservatives are more restricted need more certainty closure and stability less ambiguity tolerance or openness The five moral foundations and their association with political ideology In other words moral motivations and life histories for liberals and conservatives care v harm fairness in group loyalty authority respect purity sanctity What variables make people more conservative a Situational variables priming conservatives have higher death salience danger death increases conservative ideology we then value the order that comes with it purrel bill clinton Perceptions of income inequality and economic behavior income inequality is steadily rising a greater portion of our wealth is controlled by higher classes Americans want a more even distribution Conservatives always make internal attributions for someone s mistakes Motivated reasoning and skepticism for incongruent political arguments evidence Hot automatic vs cold conscious rational processing for political information cold is deliberate rational etc hot use emotions System justification we live in a just world and karma exists to regulate behavior when you are threatened you want to revert back to the status quo and make things stable again this is system justification conservatives feel more threatened so they rely on status quo The media outlet for mass communication harder to convince people because they are overloaded with a lot of information they rely on automatic processing good for setting the agenda and putting ideas on the table news about economy news about anything else III Inter group behavior stereotypes prejudice A Minimal group paradigm ingroup outgroup bias we like our group better even if groups are separated randomly view people outside of group dissimilar to you see more variances in your group and more homogeneity in other Intra group cohesion norms vs inter group competition heuristic make external attributions for our own mistakes and internal for others people think that groups are cohesive and aren t competitive with each other only with other people but other people say there s competition within the group i Prisoner s dilemma norms for competition FAE reactance risky shift deindividuation increases risky shift increases ii Prisoners dilemma stems from scenario when two criminals working together get caught by cops individually wanted to flip on partner to get off lighter both groups cooperative both gain if you cooperate and their selfish they gain Social identity theory need for uniqueness bonding bond within group not out support fulfillment gives meaning basking in reflected glory reflecting on someone else s success Socialization trans generational norms see authority act this way so you do to observation learning Historical conflict education shows that groups are competitive within bias in learning in group love out group hate B Robber s Cave study know the variables effects increasing reducing conflict randomly assigned groups had them do many activities within the group competition spread over into non activities only way to get them to be civil was by giving them common goal and hearing about a third group common enemy realistic conflict theory C Stereotypes what are they Origins learning theory genetics Stereotypes cognitive prejudice affective implicit feelings discrimination behavior Cognitive miser perspective on stereotypes rely on stereotypes when heavy cognitive load Motivation to maintain stereotypes motivated reasoning subtyping counter examples Scapegoat theory effects for majority racial groups with low SES blame on them explains economic pitfalls Stereotype threat stereotype against u u will do bad stereotype lift performance goes up D Implicit vs explicit prejudice Shooter bias weapon bias emotion perception bias faster to shoot armed black targets than white faster to not unarmed white categorize anger in black faster falsely see gun after black E Reducing prejudice discrimination use of stereotypes recognize bias neg attitude toward being prejudice Jigsaw classroom implicit motivation to control prejudice extended contact IV Gender sexuality A Stereotypical masculine feminine
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