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MHR Lecture Notes Exam 1 Organizational Behavior organization s o The systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit in o Goal is to explain predict and control shape human behavior o Top Derailers that cause one to fail Insensitivity to others poor working relations inability to work as team Authoritarianism inability to change or adapt o PRO VITA NON PRO SCHOLA for life not for school Strategy and Organizational Behavior o Human Relations Movement Increase focus on human factor Mary Parker Follet Elton Mayo Hawthorne Studies Collective bargaining legalized New management styles McGregor s Theories Theory X o People dislike work and avoid it o People need to be forced to work o People require close supervision o People like to be directed have little ambition and avoid responsibility Theory Y o Work is a natural activity o Given objectives people can be very self directed o People become committed to objectives with some reward o Most people are ambitious and seek responsibility Human Capital the sum of the skills knowledge and general attributes of the people in the organization Important concepts o Value o Rareness o Imitability Competitive advantage is a function of value rareness and imitability Eg Starbucks vs McDs Human capital personal social capital cooperation o The human capital social capital link is not GIVEN Strategic Management Development to implementation Critical to an organizations success Addresses the competitive challenges a company has It is the plan to push the goals tactics and policies into a whole o Strategic Formulation o Strategy Implementation SWOT analysis strength weakness opportunities threats Vision Mission Goals Internal and External Opportunity Threats Analysis Strategic plan Galbraith s Star Model focuses on 5 elements of organization functioning Strategy Structure Systems and Processes Metrics and Rewards People All these elements need to be aligned for the organization to succeed Corporate Social Responsibility can be integrated in strategic plan o Make a profit consistent with expectations for international business to fulfill economic responsibility obey the host country and international law act ethically and consider all standards be good corporate citizen and fulfill the host country s expectation for philanthropic responsibility Improve Ethical Climate o Demonstration of ethical behavior from leaders o Careful recruitment and selection of new employees o Developing a meaningful and real code of ethics o Training employees to better deal with ethical issues Use operant conditioning to drive ethical behavior Incorporate structural mechanisms to deal with ethics issues Example Cirque du Soleil Mission invoke provoke evoke the imagination the senses and the emotions of people around the world Very diverse older and more experienced group 21 running shows around the world o Human capital value rareness and not easily intimidated o Current Strategic Issues involving HRM Mergers and Acquisitions Cultural fit Leadership team Offshoring Downsizing rightsizing BPO Business Process Outsourcing Organizational Culture and Socialization o What is culture Share values what it s like to be a member of the organization Four Primary Functions Give members an organizational identity Facilitate collective commitment Promote social system stability Promote understanding of the organization o Values a fundamental part of culture Values are your base and don t change but influence attitudes with influences behavior Values attitudes behaviors 5 Primary characteristics Broad concepts or beliefs Relate to desirable end states behaviors situations etc Apply across most situations Can be ordered by relative importance Influence attitude and behavior The greater the difference between espoused values and enacted values the greater the likelihood for dissatisfaction cultural problems etc They need to walk the walk not just talk the talk Like the mission statement the desired values o Espoused Values o Enacted Values The reality o Culture related issues and questions Need to identify and understand the nature of the culture and how it relates to strategic context and the objectives of the organization Ways to understand culture o Stories myths heroes legends o Symbols icons symbolic acts o Language speech rites ceremonies o Artifacts surveys How strong is it through the organization and are there mechanisms or systems keeping it alive Change it when necessary Eg Air hockey table o The competing values culture framework Based on two dimensions Internal vs external focus o integration and unity vs differentiation and competition Flexibility vs stability o discretion and dynamisms vs order and control And how those dimensions impact these 6 areas Dominant organizational characteristics Leadership style Management of Employees Organizational glue Strategic emphasis Criteria for success Culture problems know features Lack of shared values a focus on the problems over opportunities lack of trust high turnover performance issues o Ways to change organizational culture shift air hockey table Formal statements change physical space slogans reward systems quantifying value progress change organizational structure Change leader behavior influence you Recognize your actions can influence culture and culture can o Person Organization fit the best fit occurs when all 3 are aligned Espoused Stated values enacted values individual values Leads to better performance commitment motivation o Summarize Culture Culture shown through all types of behavior a function of collective individual experience and behavior Has subcultures People see the same culture in different ways Can be strong or weak Should support organizational mission Can be changed but not easily Organizational Socialization o Learning the ropes the values norms and required behaviors to be able to o EXAM Three phases of Organizational Socialization Anticipatory Socialization prior to joining encounter Change and function acquisition Organizational personalization a related concept o The impact of newcomer on the organization opposite of socialization o Usually high up like when a new president or executive comes in and impacts the university Tactics Dimensions for Socialization a large variety within orgs Collective vs Individual Formal vs Informal Sequential vs Random Fixed vs Variable Investiture vs Divestiture reform their foundation Global Organizational Behavior o Culture influences

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OSU BUSMHR 3200 - Exam 1

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