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Chapter 1 Communication process which ideas are expressed as verbal nonverbal messages that are spread and comprehended Contextual communication communication that is different in all situations Types of noise Environmental outside interference Physiological impairment noise physical problem deaf blind Semantic language barrier Syntactical bad grammar use Organizational cannot organize thoughts Cultural noise how members in a culture should act Psychological irritation that causes ineffective messages Models of communication Linear model of communication a source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver through one or more channels ex commercials ads Interaction model of communication a source encodes a message and sends it to a receiver then the receiver sends it back feedback instant message conversation Transactional model of communication speakers send verbal messages at the same time Ethnocentrism we consider the views and standards of our own group as much more important than an out group Chapter 2 Symbols word that represents something Cybernetic process brain computing and processing symbols to see words Significant other theory how we learn language learn from people around us Denotative meaning direct meaning ex dog Connotative meaning hard to know exact meaning ex good Function of language Emotive emotional connotative words Rhetorical influence thoughts and behaviors Cognitive convey information Phatic function performing social tasks ex how are you Identifying naming people and objects Inarticulates sounds phrases that have no meaning ex um Dialects social or regional variation on language ex NJ accent Chapter 3 Verbal and non verbal relationships Substituting relationship no words but head nods Complementing relationship non verbal complements verbal words and head nods Conflicting relationship verbal and non verbal contrasting saying yes but looking like no Accenting relationship nonverbal stresses verbal saying yes and looking like yes Categories of non verbal communication Kinesics study of communication through body movements o Facsics how the face communicates o Oscalics how the eyes communicate o Gestics study of movement of the body gestures Emblems nonverbal acts that have direct meaning o Ex sign language Haptics study of touch as communication Body synchrony study of posture and the way a person Gustovics the study of how taste communicates Artifacts study of things that adorn the body glasses walks stands piercings Physical characteristics communicate something about the person to others Proxemics study of how people use and perceive their social and personal space Intimate distance 18inches Personal 18 in 4ft Social Distance 4 12 feet public 12 25 Chronemics the way people structure and handle their time as time Paravocalics vocal effects that accompany words Ex speed power pitch intensity Chapter 4 Hearing reception of a message through sensory channels Listening involves reception attention perception and listeners response a person can retain 26 of what they hear Perceptual filter how you view the world and the way you see things Types of listening Discrimative listening understanding difference between auditory and visual stimuli what you choose to focus on Comprehension listening recognize and retain the Therapeutic listening requires listener to ask questions information in a message and stimulate discussion Critical listening centers on listener s comprehending and evaluating the message that has been received o Personal appeal of the speaker o Speakers arguments and evidence o Speakers motivation appeals o Assumptions on the part of the speaker o What is not said Appreciative listening when a person engages in enjoyment of or sensory stimulation to a message such as listening to comedians Ways to improve listening Sender and receiver both participate and listen Being patient Not judging the person Ask questions Paraphrasing Visualization Chapter 5 Intrapersonal communication communication internally with yourself Need to know your own values needs and beliefs Self talk intrapersonal communication with yourself Linguistic stage of development age 6 month to 9 years old Cannot internalize language Conceptual stage engage in more abstract forms of thinking yr9 13 Rhetorical stage full functioning inner speech 13 yrs on Self love appreciating yourself as a worthy person Cogitative dissentience inner conflict Types of self Real self what you think about yourself Ideal self who you would like to be Public self person you let others know Need drives survival food and water pleasure seeking territoriability Communication apprehension anxiety and apprehension about communicating Ways to deal with this o Desensitization ease yourself into it o Relaxation techniques o Drugs o Skills training Chapter 6 Interpersonal communication communication that is based on communicators recognition of each others uniqueness and the development of messages that reflect that recognition I the image you see of yourself me way others see you to be o Imbalance between I and me cases communication actions to alter Compliance doing something for someone Types of Power Coercive power to punish Referent gained through loyalty and admiration Legitimate power achieved power i e boss Reward power power to offer incentives Sex your biological make up Gender psychological social and interactive characterists Male communication Independence Self absorption Competition Aggressiveness gender differences can be Female communication seen as young as 3 Dependence Other absorption Nurturance Sensitivity Hostel workplace Sexual harassment someone superior puts someone in an awkward position Based on power Electronically mediated communication all forms of communication using technology Cell phones twitter email texting facebook etc Benefits o Instant communication of two parties o Can do it on your own time o Good for people not comfortable with personal comm Drawbacks o No nonverbal communication o Deteriorate interpersonal skills o Addiction Chapter 7 Small talk light conversation Conflict many different types your own giving in ok Conflict accommodation put the needs of others above o Smoothing over creating an image that everything is Conflict integration if you are concerned about the needs of others as well as your own needs Conflict compromise brings concerns out in open to satisfy Conflict competition get the other person to think that needs of both parties your view is right

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