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BUSMHR 3200 Notes Part 10 RJ Chapter 15 What is organizational culture organizations Seven Primary Characteristic of Culture o Refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the organization from other o 1 Innovation and risk taking the degree to which employees are encouraged to b innovative and take o 2 Attention to detail the degree to which employees are expected to exhibit precision analysis and risks attention to detail o 3 Outcome orientation the degree to which management focuses on results of outcomes rather than on the techniques and processes used to achieve them o 4 People orientation the degree to which management decisions take into consideration the effect of outcomes on people within the organization o 5 Team Orientation the degree to which work activities are organized around teams rather than o 6 Aggressiveness the degree to which people are aggressive and competitive rather than easygoing o 7 Stability the degree to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in individuals contrast to growth Dominant Culture o Expresses the core values shared by a majority of the organization s members o The smaller cultures that develop in large organizations to reflect common problems situations or Subcultures experiences faced by groups of members Strong vs Weak Culture o Strong most employees have the same opinions about the organizations missions and values The organization s core values are both intensely held and widely shared The more members who accept the core values and the greater their commitment the stronger the culture and the greater its influence on member behavior because the high degree of sharedness and intensity creates an internal climate of high behavioral control o Weak employees opinions about the organizations missions and values vary widely Sustaining Culture o Practices within the organization maintain it by giving employees a set of similar experiences o The selection process performance evaluation criteria training and development activities and promotion procedures ensure those hired fit in with the culture reward those who support it and penalize those who challenge it o Three forces important to sustaining culture Selection provides a two way street because it allows employer or applicant to avoid a mismatch and sustaining an organization s culture by selecting out those who might attack or undermine its core values Top Management through words and behavior senior executives establish norms that filter through the organization about for instance whether risk taking is desirable how much freedom managers should give employees what is appropriate dress and what actions pay off in terms of pay raises promotions and other rewards Socialization the process that helps new employees adapt to the prevailing culture Consists of a three stage process o 1 Prearrival stage explicitly recognizes that each individual arrives with a set of values attitudes and expectations about both the work to be done and the organization o 2 Encounter Stage confronts the possibility that expectations about the job co workers boss and the stage upon entry into the organization New member the organization in general may differ from reality At the extreme a new member may become disillusioned enough with the reality to resign work out any problems discovered during the encounter stage the stage of change that new members go through to o 3 Metamorphosis Stage Ways Employees Learn Culture o Stories rituals material symbols and language Creating an Ethical Culture o Most likely to shape high ethical standards among members if organization is one that s high in risk tolerance low to moderate in aggressiveness and focused on means as well as outcomes o There are five principles that should be adhered to 1 Be a visible role model 2 Communicate ethical expectations 3 Provide ethical training 4 Visibly reward ethical acts and punish unethical ones 5 Provide protective mechanisms Positive Organizational Culture o Emphasizes building on employee strengths o Rewards more than it punishes o Emphasizes individual vitality and growth RJ Chapter 11 What is leadership Trait Theories o The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals o Focus on personal qualities and characteristics o Extraversion has been found to be the most important trait of effective leaders but more strongly related to leader emergence than to leader effectiveness o Conscientiousness and openness to experience also showed strong relationships to leadership o There are advocates for emotional intelligence being strongly related to leadership but this is the least studied trait o Two conclusions Behavioral Theories theories o Ohio State Studies 1 Traits can predict leadership 2 Traits do a better job predicting the emergence of leaders and the appearance of leadership than actually distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders o Imply that we could train people to be leaders and many argue that they have advantages over trait Sought to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior Beginning with more than a thousand dimensions the studies narrowed the list to two that substantially accounted for most of the leadership behavior described by employees 1 Initiating structure the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment A leader high in initiating structure is someone who assigns group members to particular tasks 2 Consideration the extent to which a person s job relationships are characterized by mutual trust respect for employees ideas and regard for their feelings A leader high in consideration helps employees with personal problems is friendly and approachable treats all employees as equals and expresses appreciation and support o University of Michigan Studies Objectives were to locate behavioral characteristics of leaders that appeared related to performance effectiveness and developed two behavioral dimensions 1 Employee oriented leader emphasized interpersonal relationships by taking a personal interest in the needs of employees and accepting individual differences among them 2 Production oriented leader emphasized the technical or task aspects of the job concern focused on accomplishing the group s tasks Fielder Contingency Model o Proposes that effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader s style

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OSU BUSMHR 3200 - Notes Part 10

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