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MC Questions 1 e 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 a 8 b 9 b 10 e Q11 public class Circle private Point center private double radius public Circle Point c double radius this center c this radius radius public Point getCenter return center public void setRadius double r radius r public boolean liesOnCircle Point p if p distance center radius return true return false Q12 import java util public class CircleTest public static void main String args Scanner s new Scanner System in Circle myarray new Circle 50 Point origin new Point 0 0 int count 0 for int i 0 i myarray length i Point center new Point s nextInt s nextInt double radius s nextDouble myarray i new Circle center radius if myarray i liesOnCircle origin count System out println count Q13 int topPlayers Player team double target int count 0 for Player p team if p getAverage target count return count

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