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Negative IPSP Positive EPSP EPSP NA entering the cell Drives membrane potential up more IPSP K leaving the cell Drives membrane potential down more Ligand gated soma and dendrites Voltage gated Axon and axon terminal Relative vs Absolute Refractory period Which happens first Absolute refractory period Open inactive close Possible to trigger a potential in relative refractory but needs a strong charge Not possible to trigger a potential in absolute refractory PMC anterior to central sulcus Parkinsons dopaminergic disease dopamine cannot cross BBB l dopa can Pyramidal tract homunculus Basal ganglia dopaminergic neurons degenerate Ascending pain pathways Pain receptors in skin spinal cord medulla spinothalamic tract brain Transduction of sound into neural signals Depolarize when potassium enters cell No action potential just depolarization no voltage gated channels Volley theory number of action potentials equals the frequency of the sound and the interval between them equals Stereocilia is what is damaged by loud sounds Tonotopic map Combined in inferior colliculus Multiple Trace Hypothesis Different temporal stages of memory SPINAL CORD SHIT Sensory dorsal Ventral motor Labeled line Different receptors for different stimulus Adaptation Receptive field Space on body that excites or inhibits a sensory neuron Agonist and Antagonists Removing NT from Cleft Enzymes Reuptake Diffusion Ionotropic vs Metabotropic Ionotropic ligand gated fast Metabotropic protein coupled slower Electrical synapse Fast Not as common Tight junction Autonomic Parasympathetic blah blah review it PET Glucose not good at structure CAT good at structure MRI fMRI Oxygen temporal resolution sucks structural resolutions is bangin ERP good surface bad at deep structures Localization Superior Olive Two cues Medial time difference Lateral intensity White matter axons Grey matter is cell bodies

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UIUC PSYC 210 - Psychology Study Guide

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