UT Arlington MANA 3318 - Mana Exam 1

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1 Organizational Behavior study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organizations 2 Organizational psychosocial interpersonal and group dynamics in an organization 3 Informal Elements of an organization beliefs and assumptions perceptions and attitudes values feelings such as fear joy anger trust and hope group norms 4 Kurt Lewin Answer PERSON AND ENVIROMENT 5 Task an organization s mission purpose or goal for existing 6 4 challenges for managers relating to change in an organizationglobalization diversity ethics technology 7 Hofstedes Dimensions for understanding cultural differences a Individualism vs collectivism b High power distance vs low power distance c High uncertainty avoidance vs low uncertainty avoidance d Masculinity vs femininity e Long term orientation vs short term orientation 8 Consequential Theory ethical theory that emphasizes the consequences or results of behavior 9 Sexual harassment unwanted sexual attention touching unwanted pressure for dates 10 Myers Briggs Type Indicator instrument developed to measure Carl Jungs theory of individual differences a People are fundamentally different b People are fundamentally alike c People are extroverts or introverts d Humans have similarities differences understood by combining preferences e No preferences are better than others f Understand celebrate and appreciate differences g Developed to understand individual difference by analyzing the combinations of preferences h Used to understand the different viewpoints of others in the organization i Team building j Show benefits of diversity and differences 11 Personalities The relatively stable set of characteristics that influences an individual s behavior and lend it consistency 12 Trait Theory a personality theory that advocates breaking down behavior patterns into a series of observable traits in order to understand human behavior 13 Integrative Approach the broad theory that describes personality as a composite of an individual s psychological processes 14 A strong situation overwhelm the effects of individual personalities providing strong cues for appropriate behavior 15 Strong personalities will dominate in a weak situation 16 Internal Control control what happens to me 17 External control people and circumstances control my fate 18 General self efficacy persons view of himself herserlf as being able to perform effectively in a variety of situations a Prior experiences b Behavior models c Persuasion d Assessment of current physical and emotional capabilities 19 Self Monitoring a High self monitor flexible adjust to behavior of others can appear unpredictable and inconsistent b Low self monitors from internal states rather than from situational cues shows consistency less likely to respond to work group norms or supervisory feedback 20 Attribution error the tendency to make attributions to internal causes when focusing on someone else s behavior 21 Attitude a psychological tendency expressed by evaluating something with a degree of favor or disfavor 22 Mood classified as positive or negative and are made up of various emotions 23 A person does not have an attitude unless he or she responds to an entity on a affective cognitive or behavioral basis 24 Job Satisfaction pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one s job or job experiences 25 Benefits of diverse work place a Attracts and retains the best talent b Improves marketing efforts c Promotes creativity and innovation d Results in better problem solving e Enhances organizational flexibility 26 Cognitive roots of persuasion a Central route high elaboration careful processing attitude changes based on quantity of arguments b Peripheral route low elaboration absence of careful processing attitude changes based on quality of argument or source of argument 27 NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement 28 High self efficacy when one thinks highly of themselves to effectively complete tasks 29 Instrumental Values values that shape the acceptable behavior that can be used to achieve some goal or end state 30 Terminal Values values that influence the goals to be achieved or the end states of existence 31 Work values the values that affect how you look at your work environment influence individuals perceptions of right and wrong in the workplace 32 First Impression Error tendency to make initial judgments positive or negative about a candidate in those first few moments is called 33 US managers value an individuals contribution to task accomplishment

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UT Arlington MANA 3318 - Mana Exam 1

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