Practice Questions The following questions are designed for your practice only to help you master the necessary skills to use 1 Kepler s 3rd Law 2 Newtonian Gravity 3 Wein s Law of Thermal Radiation 4 Stefan Boltzmann s Law of Thermal Radiation An answer key to these questions has been provided on blackboard Remember for quizzes and examinations you must include the unit to receive full credit Kepler s 3rd Law Use the information provided in the following graphics to solve for either the orbital period or the semi major axis for the planets In both questions assume that the star is identical to the Sun meaning that Kepler s 3rd Law can be used 1 The Painter Star System Solve for the planets semimajor axis distances a 2 The Musician Star System Solve for the planets orbital periods P Newtonian Gravity The following questions use Newton s Force of Gravity Equation They require you to determine whether the gravity is going to become stronger weaker or stay the same For each question you are given the change to masses denoted m1 and m2 and the change in the distance R Example of notation A change in mass 1 indicated by m1 3 m1 This indicates that in the new situation mass 1 is three times larger Example of notation A change in distance R is indicated by R 7 R This indicates that in the new situation the masses are now seven times further apart 3 Please indicate whether or not the force of gravity between the two masses in the new situation is stronger weaker same m1 2 m1 m2 4 m2 By how much No change in R 4 Please indicate whether or not the force of gravity between the two masses in the new situation is stronger weaker same m1 5 m1 m2 3 m2 By how much No change in R 5 Please indicate whether or not the force of gravity between the two masses in the new situation is stronger weaker same By how much No change in m1 and m2 R 4 R 6 Please indicate whether or not the force of gravity between the two masses in the new situation is stronger weaker same By how much No change in m1 and m2 R 1 4 R 7 Please indicate whether or not the force of gravity between the two masses in the new situation is stronger weaker same By how much No change in m1 and m2 R 11 R 8 Please indicate whether or not the force of gravity between the two masses in the new situation is stronger weaker same m1 2 m1 m2 8 m2 By how much R 4 R 9 Please indicate whether or not the force of gravity between the two masses in the new situation is stronger weaker same m1 11 m1 m2 10 m2 By how much R 12 R Wein s Law The following questions require you to use Wein s Law of thermal radiation For questions 10 13 use the following information The blackbody spectrum of Planet Shakespeare has a peak wavelength at 6 m 10 Planet Beckett is TWO TIMES HOTTER than Shakespeare What is the peak wavelength for Beckett s blackbody spectrum A 1 5 m B 3 m C 6 m D 12 m E 96 m 11 Planet Shaw is THREE TIMES HOTTER than Shakespeare What is the peak wavelength for Shaw s blackbody spectrum A 0 33 m B 2 m C 3 m D 12 m E 36 m 12 Planet Miller is HALF AS HOT as Shakespeare What is the peak wavelength for Miller s blackbody spectrum A 1 5 m B 3 m C 6 m D 12 m E 96 m 13 Planet Chekhov is ONE QUARTER AS HOT as Shakespeare What is the peak wavelength for Chekhov s blackbody spectrum A 1 4 m B 6 m C 12 m D 24 m E 96 m For questions 14 15 use the following information Planet Marlowe has a surface temperature of 300 K 14 Planet Stoppard blackbody peaks at half the wavelength of Shakespeare s What is the surface temperature of Stoppard A 75 K B 100 K C 300 K D 600 K E 1200 K 15 Planet Wilde s blackbody peaks at five times the wavelength of Shakespeare s What is the surface temperature of Wilde s A 60 K B 150 K C 300 K D 1500 K E 7500 K Stefan Boltzmann s Law The following questions require you to use Stefan Boltzmann s Law of thermal radiation 16 Planet Churchill is FOUR TIMES HOTTER than Planet Lincoln How much more energy per square meter per second is Planet Churchill giving off compared to Planet Lincoln A 1 64th B 1 4th C 16 times D 64 times E 256 times 17 Star Caesar is TEN TIMES HOTTER than Star Augustus How much energy per square meter per second is Caesar giving off compared to Augustus A 1 10000th B 1 100th C 10 x D 1000 x E 10000 x 18 Star Elizabeth is ONE THIRD AS HOT a Star Catherine How much energy per square meter per second is Elizabeth giving off compared to Planet Catherine A 1 81st B 1 27th C 1 9th D 9 x E 81 x
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