Human Resources From Hiring to Firing Human Resources Job Posting Where to advertise Applicant poll reflect who you want Job Description Clear or not Objective markers to screen candidates Required Preferred Screening Process Committee Phone vs in person Objective guidelines Interview Standard questions Comfortable environment Scribe the interview session Maintain records incase of claims Questions you cannot ask Race Color Sex Religion National origin Birthplace Age Disability Marital family status Questions you can ask Reasons for leaving a former job Convicted of a felony Proof of education salary Credit report Any reason you could not do the job or can you meet the physical requirements for the job little gray During your interview don t ask this Never ask for information you could have easily found with a quick Google GOOG 0 04 search Never ask if you can change the job details the schedule or the salary Never ask many questions about the interviewer s background Never ask about pay time off benefits etc Wait until later in the process to inquire about these things Never ask What does your company do Never ask If I m hired when can I start applying for other positions in the company Never ask how quickly you can be promoted Never ask Do you do background checks Never ask about gossip you ve heard Never ask if the company monitors e mail or Internet usage Common Questions to ask during an interview Give an example of an occasion when you used logic to solve a problem Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it Describe a decision you made that was unpopular and how you handled implementing it Have you gone above and beyond the call of duty If so how What do you do when your schedule is interrupted Give an example of how you handle it Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they weren t thrilled about How did you do it Have you handled a difficult situation with a co worker How Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure How do you handle a challenge Have you been in a situation where you didn t have enough work to do Have you ever made a mistake How did you handle it Describe a decision you made that was unpopular and how you handled implementing it Did you ever make a risky decision Why How did you handle it Did you ever postpone making a decision Why Have you ever dealt with company policy you weren t in agreement with How Have you gone above and beyond the call of duty If so how When you worked on multiple projects how did you prioritize How did you handle meeting a tight deadline Give an example of how you set goals and achieve them Did you ever not meet your goals Why What do you do when your schedule is interrupted Give an example of how you handle it Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they weren t thrilled about How did you do it Give an example of how you worked on team Have you handled a difficult situation with a co worker How What do you do if you disagree with a co worker Share an example of how you were able to motivate employees or coworkers Do you listen Give an example of when you did or when you didn t listen Have you handled a difficult situation with a supervisor How Have you handled a difficult situation with another department How Have you handled a difficult situation with a client or vendor How What do you do if you disagree with your boss Salary Based on responsibility Impact Experience Minimum wage http www ncsl org issues research labor state minimum wage chart aspx Salary should be fair and equitable Incentives COLA Benefits Based on personnel policy Health and life insurance When start Deductable Co pays Restrictions Beneficiaries Vacation sick time personal time When eligible Retirement Eligible Contributions by both Beneficiaries If you leave what do you take with you Disability Long term Short term Life insurance Physical beneficiaries Other childcare membership etc Benefits are about 28 of your salary That is your total package Handling Problem Employees Outline expectations spell it out Identify issues from beginning Avoid permission Address issues Follow up with documentation Stick with personnel policy The Firing Squad Don t make decision alone Don t fire in anger Follow policy Document reason for discharge Be truthful Offer a severance package Include an observer Use a termination letter Be respectful Keeping good employees Grow them Professional development Local to national Bring trainings in Engage them Teachable moments Challenge them Build on strengths and weaknesses Communicate with them Succession planning Health Care Reform Do your homework on this Reputable sites
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