UB UGC 112 - Nations and Empires 3

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UGC 112 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Current Lecture I Transforming Japan Southeast Asia and Africa a Main Points b Sejong the Great c Europe in 1875 II Second Industrial Revolution III British Dutch and French in SE Asia IV Africa s Changing Map a Scramble for Africa V Global Economic Integration Current Lecture Nations and Empires 3 Transforming Japan Southeast Asia and Africa Questions Looking at the spread of empire Singular deliberately Talk about process Steps involved in the internal transformation of Japan contrast with the changes occurring in Southeast Asia and Africa Interested in being comparative with world civilizations Main Points How did new materials and technologies transform industries and global economy o Entrepreneur you re going to go look for it Country living off taxation going to look for it How did expansion affect non European societies o Contemporary Relevance o Punctuated equilibrium again o What about neocolonialism JO eun achim imnida These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Sejong the Great born in 1397 and lived until 1450 he presided over a Korea that had roughly same boundaries as today He created the Korean script the finest script in the world It is phonetic and fits exactly There was a conscious attempt to eliminate Korean When Japan annexed Korea it banned the use of Korean and imposed Japanese instead Europe in 1875 Russia British Ottoman French Austria Hungary Germany Portugal Europe was a continent that was moving outward for a variety of reasons Second Industrial Revolution More countries joined Started in England There were a whole host of new industries that developed on the basis on varied technologies Examples Sung dynasty china in the 10 th century with steel an opportunity to redevelop They had chemicals telegraph system pharmaceutics and electricity In this whole set of changes preeminent position of Britain was challenged Some of Britain s big challengers were France and Germany Competition was increased as more and more countries joined They needed raw materials to go with things they had developed New materials technologies o In 1750 the per capita level of industrialization was about equal in Europe and the developing world o 1900 England had 50x o In 1800 Europe controlled about 35 of the land s surface 1878 2 3 1984 over 84 What a transformation in terms of global politics Britain as hegemon had 2 of the world s population Britain was up at the top 155 times that of Russia This one country controlled 45 of the world s commerce Darwin s Revolution in his day the Bible was taken as literal truth Intense analysis he did the way finches adapted in different environments The world was not created at a specific definable date Japan Becomes Industrialized Sonno joi Honor the emperor an important concept Japan has a ruling house whose rules go way back This is deep rooted in Japan s sense of identity C Expel the Barbarian tokugawa 1863 1868 Government said we have to do it on our own Goodbye missionaries This notion of self sufficiency is important for many a developing country Use your institutions and focus on your own country External pressures came from England the United States Japanese were very impressed by steam power and cannons etc Meiji regime restoration 1868 The shift in government was seen as going back to the past it was a fundamental shift in paradigm ways of thinking Use tradition fro a justification for things that are new Trying to do emperor proud by doing things such as following o Tokugawa had abolished use of military weapons except for swords o Railroads o Allowing the right to vote 1892 was extended to a whole 1 of the population A hard homeland Japan is a tough place to live 1 Basically a chain of mountains 14 of its land is arable The rice paddies are small and tended by hand They have to be crafted and given intense attention not treated mechanically 2 Glaciers Volcanoes Plates Tsunamis British Dutch and French in SE Asia Dutch East Indies called Indonesia 13 000 plus countries Tip of Sumatra is basically where Portugal is extends all the way to Timor Singapore Malaysia ruled by the British The French are up in the far northeast corner Portugal was in there too Africa s Changing Map Spain in north grabbed an area called Spanish morocco French expanded to take over large parts of Africa Dutch in the south and British contending over South Africa Italy grabbed country known as Somalia plus Libya Military Disciplinary Europe had machine guns Scramble for Africa By 1844 there was a real danger of war between European states about Africa The Europeans wanted to go to war with each other in Europe No that would ve interrupted concert of Europe the whole system of diplomacy So instead they made war in Africa Need an international conference to establish rules for effective occupation Need to have trading stations have missionaries to work bring in some form of administration hire troops etc Causes TEST KIND OF QUESTION Global Economic Integration Raw materials rubber get it from a tree slash tree and let latex drip Aluminum diamonds gold OIL One of the big factors in WWI has to do with which navies used coal and which used oil Germans used coal and British used oil Coal takes up a lot of space and need to replenish whereas oil has more calories per gram Financial centers London in particular moved to real center of global economic trade Paris was secondary New york was focused on domestic Labor Movement Policy of open immigration helped country enhance their industrial might Military Power Science harnessing of electricity End of the 19th century famous people like Edison James Kurt Maxwell Kelvin Scientific advances went along with the revolution in thought that Darwin had sprung about Colonial Administration Ad phrase says White Man s Burden comes from famous poem by Represented the attitude in Britain and France Saying they have something superior to the rest of the world Duty to carry out their burden civilizing mission Four main points raised here Men on the spot first likely to be military types perhaps sailors who had had enough and wanted to settle down Some were missionaries possible to bring a transcended message Some may have been trainers There were similar sorts of motives that we saw earlier in the Opium War Rational rule later would have all of the hallmarks of all the rational

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UB UGC 112 - Nations and Empires 3

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