CS SE 6360 004 Assignment 3 Due Date March 11 2016 1 Draw an ER diagram for university library system Specify key attributes of each entity type and structural constraints on each relationship type cardinality ratios and participation constraints State any assumptions you make 2 Following is the data requirements for an art museum The museum has a collection of ART OBJECTS Each art object has a unique IDNo and Artist if known a Year when created if known a Title and a Description The art objects are categorized in several ways as discussed below ART OBJECTS are categorized based on types There are three main types Painting Sculpture and Statue plus an Other category for those that don t fit into one of the main types A PAINTING has a PaintType oil watercolor etc a material on which it is CrawnOn paper canvas wood and Style modern abstract etc A SCULPTURE or a STATUE has a Material from which it was created wood stone etc Height Weight and Style An art object in the OTHER category has a Type print photo etc and Style ART OBJECTS are also categorized as PERMANENT COLLECTION which are owned by the museum DateAcquired whether it is OnDisplay or Stored and Cost or BORROWED which has information on the Collection where it was borrowed from DateBorrowed and DateReturned ART OBJECTS also have information describing their country culture using information on country culture of Origin Italian Egyptian American Indian etc and Period Renaissance Modern Ancient The museum keeps track of ARTISTS s information if known Name DateBorn DateDied CountryOfOrigin Period MainStyle and Description The name is assumed unique Different EXHIBITIONS occur each having a Name StartDate and EndDate EXHIBITIONS are related to all the art objects that were on display during the exhibition Information is kept on other COLLECTIONS with which the museum interacts including Name unique Type museum personnel etc Description Address Phone and ContactPerson a Draw an EER diagram for this application Discuss any assumptions you make b Map the designed EER diagram to relational schema 3 Consider the ER diagram in following figure Map the given conceptual schema to relational database schema 4 Consider the EER diagram in below figure for a car dealer Map the EER schema into a set of relations For the VEHICLE to CAR TRUCK SUV specialization consider the four options 8A 8B 8C 8D and show the relational schema design for all options NOTES ER diagrams should be drawn electronically You can use one of chart drawing tools i e ERwin or lucidchart com to simplify drawing charts You can use different notations to show cardinality ratios i e Crow s Foot notation Each item 1 2a 2b 3 4 is 20 points
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