Lab Images 2 Sunday November 22 2015 6 54 PM Lab 7 Photosynthesis Chlorophyll action spectrum What is the benefit to having chlorophyll a and b absorb in slightly different wavelengths More of the visible spectrum is usable for photosynthesis Green leaf tested for photosynthesis What was the purpose of treating the leaf with hot ethanol Remove chlorophyll to let starch show if present Variegated leaf Why do the darker tested for Lugol s test areas photosynthesis top indicate to bottom leached More PS in with water treated green areas with hot ethanol test in maroon tested with Lugol s areas mean maroon masks chlorophyll and or starch translocated in leaf Maroon leaf tested Why does the leaf test for photosynthesis positive for starch if it Top to bottom isn t green leached with water Maroon treated with hot pigments mask ethanol tested the chlorophyll with Lugol s They were removed by the water Helianthus annuus Common sunflower flower buds leaves dicot Which reaction s of photosynthesis could be occurring in this plant Both light or photochemical reaction AND the biochemical reaction which is light independent Close up of Elodea showing chloroplasts and central vacuole In a chloroplast photosynthesis occurs in membranes arranged as Thylakoid membranes grana stacks Maintenance of Elodea for photosynthetic activity How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related Photo uses CO2 and H2O to produce O2 and sugar Cellular resp uses O2 to breakdown sugar and produce H2O CO2 and energy Photosynthesis light box setup In this experiment the number of floating spinach disks was used as a measure of Photosynthetic activity PS produces oxygen which causes the disks to float Spectrophotometer Refer to the lab manual diagram and identify the labeled structures Visible Light Spectrum What part of the spectrum would you NOT expect a plant to use for photosynthesis Green wavelengths Lab 8 Mitosis Meiosis Merismopedia Wm 1000X Prokaryotes generally reproduce by what process Binary fission Mitosis in white fish blastodis section late anaphase metaphase During mitosis and meiosis in animals extend from the at the poles of the cell attach to the chromosomes and separate them Spindle fibers centrioles Fruit Fly Giant Polytene Salivary Gland Chromosomes What is the difference between a polytene and a normal chromosome Polytene chromosomes replicate during interphase but do not undergo mitosis Fruit Fly Giant Polytene Salivary Gland Chromosomes 1000x Identify a puff site left center What does a puff site indicate An area where DNA has uncoiled to permit the transcription of mRNA prior to protein synthesis Allium cepa onion root tip mitosis l s Identify the four stages of mitosis visible in this slide Interphase prophase metaphase telophase Allium onion root tip mitosis 1000x Identify the mitotic stage in the upper center of the slide Metaphase Allium onion root tip mitosis Identify the following a cell in interphase a cell in anaphase a cell in telophase and a cell with a nearly complete cell plate Allium onion root tip mitosis 1000x Identify the cell undergoing anaphase What is a key characteristic of this stage Chromosomes are drawn to opposite poles Allium onion root tip mitosis 1000x Identify the cells where chromosomes are condensing to become visible What mitotic stage is characterized by this step Prophase Allium onion root tip mitosis iron hematoxylin stain 1000x Identify as many stages as possible Interphase early prophase late prophase early anaphase Allium onion root tip l s mitosis iron haematoxylin stain 100x Identify the meristem region Look for the largest number of dividing cells Lily anther early prophase meiosis I 400x section Identify the meiotic stage Early prophase I Lily anther 1st meiotic division meiosis I 400x cross section meiotic stages Identify three meiotic stages from this slide Prophase I metaphase I and early anaphase I Lily anther 2nd meiotic division meiosis I 400x cross section meiotic stages 2nucleate Are these cells undergoing mitosis or meiosis Identify the stages Meiosis telophase I and prophase II Lily anther diakinesis late prophase meiosis 400x These cells are undergoing meiosis What will be the result Four haploid pollen grains for each cell Cat ovary sec 400x What structure is shown Pinpoint the secondary oocyte Graafian follicle with mature egg secondary oocyte Reproductive system cat testis 400x Locate the sperm cell lumen of seminiferous tubule spermatids spermatocytes sertoli cells and basement membrane Refer to the lab manual Lab 9 Theory of Heredity Pedigree Meiosis crossing over What event is simulated here chromosomes dyad Crossing over during Prophase I of meiosis Meiosis Mendelian genetics allele segregation chromosomes Is this a simulation of mitosis or Meiosis How can you tell Meiosis chromosomes have segregated so daughter cells will not be identical Meiosis Mendelian Which of Mendel s laws is illustrated here genetics independent 2nd law alleles assort independently assortment chromosomes alleles Monohybrid cross Give the genotypes of the parents What is the phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation Rr x Rr 3 1 Heterozygotes will resemble homozygous dominants only the homozygous recessives will diff Dihybrid cross How many traits are involved What is the usual phenotypic ratio in a dihybrid cross 2 traits each with 2 alleles 9 3 3 1 Turner karyotype What nondisjunction syndrome is shown in this karyotype Give the sex and sex chromosome genotype Turner s syndrome female XO Normal female karyotype What defect if any does this karyotype show Normal human female Down s Syndrome karyotype trisomy 21 Identify the nondisjunction syndrome and give the sex of the individual Down syndrome or Trisomy 21 male Kleinfelter s syndrome What nondisjunction syndrome is shown What is karyotype the sex of the subject Kleinfelter s usually XXY but this male is XXXXY Four o clock flower codominance genetics What exception to Mendelian Genetics is illustrated Codominance Lethal allele green albino corn 3 1 ratio What are the two possible genotypes for the green seedlings How many alleles for albino must the white seedlings each have Green are either homozygous green or heterozygous the white see Albino corn lethal allele How do lethal alleles persist in the gene pool In heterozygotes which function normally Autosomal dominant trait pedigree Given the inheritance pattern if A is dominant affected and a is recessive what is the genotype of the original male parent
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