KU COMS 244 - Study Guide Exam 1

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Chapter 3 Self concept The set of perceptions a person has about who he or she is It s multifaced o Name o Physical or social categories o Skills or interests o Relationships to others o Self evaluations Developed by 6 sources o Others images of you o Reflected appraisal o Social comparisons o Cultural teachings o Gender o Your own interpretations and evaluations o Personality OCEAN openness conscientiousness extraversion agreeableness neuroticism Johari Window Known to Self Unknown to Self Known to Others Open Blind Unknown to Others Hidden Unknown o Open I have brown hair o Hidden I know what other s don t know like my fears or goals o Blind actions I don t know about until I m called out o Unknown ancestry hobby new favorite food SC is PARTIALLY subjective SC are enduring but changeable SC shapes communicative behavior Self monitoring awareness of one s behavior and how it affects others o High and Low Self fulfilling prophecy expectation that gives rise to behaviors that cause the expectation to come true o Ex I am told that the new girl is super shy so I don t talk to her as much when I meet her and I then think Wow everyone was right The new girl really is shy Self esteem one s subjective evaluation of one s value and worth as a person Who has a higher self esteem Ethnic minorities or non Hispanic Caucasians o Non Hispanic Caucasians because they value things they excel at they attribute their problems to prejudices in society rather than their own behaviors or decisions and they compare themselves with others in their own group more than with people from other groups o Are there sex differences regarding ethnicities and self esteem There is no difference Principles of Image Management IM is collaborative We manage multiple identities IM is complex Managing Face Needs Face a person s desired public image Facework the behaviors one uses to project one s desired public image to others Face needs components of one s desired public image 3 Types of Face Fellowship face the need to feel liked and accepted by others Autonomy face the need to avoid being imposed upon by others Competence face the need to be respected and viewed as competent and intelligent Impression Management To be liked o Immediacy strategies o Affinity seeking strategies Be of help to others Appear in control Follow cultural rules Engage in self disclosure Appear optimistic Flattery To be believed o Credibility strategies To excuse failure o Self handicapping strategies To secure help o Self deprecating strategies To hide faults o Self monitoring strategies To be followed o Influencing strategies To confirm self image o Image confirming strategies Face Threats any behavior that threatens one or more faces Self Disclosure the act of giving others information about oneself that one believes they do not already have Principles of SD o SD is intentional and truthful o SD varies in breadth and depth Social penetration theory Onion Theory a theory that predicts that as relationships develop communication increases in breadth and depth Breadth the range of topics which on person self disclose to another Depth the intimacy of the topics about which one person self discloses to another o SD varies among relationships o SD follows a process Post Cyber Disclosure Panic self disclosing too much information on social media and deleting even though it s already too late and is being spread around by others Book Which countries have the strongest relationship between self esteem and happiness Are these countries individualistic or collectivistic o New Zealand United States and Germany o Individualistic What is the relationship between self esteem and job academic performance o They are largely unrelated Shutz s 3 interpersonal needs o Need for control one s need to maintain a degree of influence in one s relationships o Need for inclusion one s needs to belong to a social group and be included in the activities of others o Need for affection one s needs to give and receive expressions of love and appreciation Fact or Fiction Doe self disclosure lead to better physical mental health o Fact Chapter 4 Perception the process of making meaning from the things we experience in the environment 3 stages of perception process o Selection one sense must be stimulated Something that is unusual unexpected Repetition and exposure Intensity o Organization categorizing organizing Perceptual Schema mental templates that come from personal experiences Physical constructs Role constructs Interaction constructs Psychological constructs Rules Proximity of closeness Similarity Contrast Scripts Events or procedures o Interpretation Three factors Personal experience Knowledge of the other The closeness nature of your relationship What influences our perceptual accuracy o Physiological states and traits o Cultural and co cultural backgrounds o Social roles Fundamental forces in IC Stereotyping generalizing about groups of people that are applied to individual members of those groups o 3 Part Process Identify a group we believe another person belongs to Recall generalizations others make about people in that group Apply that generalization to the person Selective memory bias o Benefits Energy saving devices Allow us to simplify information into categories Offer some descriptive and predictive information o Drawbacks They can be used incorrectly They are limiting They can be prejudicial Prejudice negative attitudes toward other people based on faulty and inflexible negative stereotypes Discrimination behavioral manifestation of prejudice o Unequal treatment of certain individuals solely because of their membership in a particular group o Can be actions segregation or remarks Primacy Effect tendency to emphasize the first impression over later impressions Recency Effect tendency to emphasize the most recent impression over earlier impressions Perceptual Set Perceptual Accentuation a disposition to perceive only what we want or expect to perceive o The Mars Face ability to see faces in inanimate objects o Pollyanna Effect Positivity Bias tendency to focus heavily on a person s positive attributes when forming a perception o Negativity Bias tendency to focus heavily on a person s negative attributes when forming a perception Egocentrism unable to take another person s perspective o Altercentric focused on the perspective of another person Implicit Personality Theory o Halo Effect If a person has some positive traits then they must have other positive

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KU COMS 244 - Study Guide Exam 1

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