ASTR 151 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter Sections Review II Chapter 11 3 III Chapter 11 4 Outline of Current Lecture IV Review V Chapter 11 5 VI Chapter 11 6 Current Lecture I Review a Jupiter s magnetic field s source is it s metallic hydrogen swirling in it s interior i Most powerful field in the universe b What s thought to be the cause of IO s volcanism i Tidal stress from Jupiter and Europa II Chapter 11 Section 5 Jupiter s 67 Moons a 8 Regular Moons i Orbits are prograde ii Close to circular iii Roughly in Jupiter s equatorial place iv Probably formed with Jupiter itself b 59 Irregular Moons i Eccentric orbits ii Probably captured by Jupiter s orbit These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute c Galilean Moons i Were originally named after the four sons of the duke who funded Galileo s research 1 Each moon was named with the Roman god Jupiter s lovers in mind 2 The moons have low eccentricity which is similar to terrestrial planets 3 Galilean Moons excluding Calisto have a 1 2 4 Orbit resonance a IO i Closest to Jupiter ii Iron and iron sulfide core iii Rocky mantle iv Atmosphere 90 sulfur dioxide v Changes surface features in weeks vi Densest of Jupiter s moons vii No craters youngest surface in the galaxy viii Huge tidal forces causes volcanism 1 Charged particles interact with Jupiter s magnetosphere makes a plasma torus b Europa i Smooth frozen water surface ii Has no craters iii Tidal forces stress and crack the ice Water flows out only to freeze over again iv No tectonic motion v Induced magnetic field vi Very thin oxygen particles vii Density 3000kg m 3 viii Two models of the interior c Ganymede i Largest moon in the solar system ii Has craters iii Largest moon iv Holds water ice v Dark spots filled with dust vi Atmosphere has thin oxygen vii Iron in core B field viii Has it s own Magnetosphere ix Has polar ice caps d Calisto i Called Calisto meaning the prettiest one ii Atmosphere is thin mostly carbon dioxide iii Induced magnetic field iv No evidence of plate activity v Bright wrinkly spot is called Valhalla III Chapter 11 Section 6 Jupiter s Ring a Discovered by Voyager 1 i Made up of 3 layers each are made of dust 1 Halo 2 Main 3 Gossamer Rings ii Moons within the rings help replenish the rings 1 Alathea Group
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