MEMORIES Deliberately trying to learn things at about 5 years is a really bad type of memory MEMORY DEVELOPMENT A BASIC CAPACITIES a Sensory memory b Short term memory c Long term memory i Recognition memory 1 Already close to adult abilities by the time they re 4 2 So its basic ii Recall memory 1 Strategies improve from about 5 10 yrs old 2 Behavioral strategies lists putting things out at night that you have to take to school the next day etc 3 Cognitive strategies have a pattern at first children don t do it at all then you teach it to them usually don t generalize it to any other tasks B STRATEGIES a cognitive or behavioral activity under someone s deliberate control used to enhance memory below are cognitive a Rehearsal i 5 yr olds don t do well with this nor do they think they need to ii By 9 10 yrs old they re very good and more consistent b Organization i Comes later don t use it much at first ii Tend to shift criteria iii At about 10 yrs old they begin to use it effectively c Elaboration i Doesn t start kicking in until 10 yrs old ii Own elaborations tend to be really bad iii In this you re adding information to come up with a story do better if you provide the story to them iv By the time they re 14 they will do better if they come up with their own elaboration produces deeper processing v This one is a lot of work and not as common as rehearsal and organization vi Adding more material working harder vii Generally the hardest one and least frequently used even by adults d Cognitive Resources i Incidental learning where you remember stuff that presumably was not relevant to the task ii Older children do much better than younger for top of card iii For the bottom of card older shows no difference than the younger iv Scaffolding older more skilled people teach them Vygotsky C METAMEMORY metacognition statual memory confidence in memory confident at young age and starts to decline as they get older younger children also not very aware of what they are doing cognitively not as good recognizing when they re not learning info a Factual knowledge theories of mind b Content knowledge the more you know about something the easier it is to learn new stuff older children know more and that helps their memory a lot c Monitoring of cognitive activities D CONTENT KNOWLEDGE the more you know about something the easier it is to learn new stuff a Recall b Strategy use i The more you know about something the better you are at using strategies c Vs Age older is better than younger
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