UNCG KIN 292 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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KIN 292 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Exam Three from last semester For each question I have given a page reference in the book for the correct answer 1 The autonomic nervous system innervates all the following effector organs and tissues EXCEPT A skeletal muscles Autonomic cardiac and smooth muscle and somatic skeletal C and D are hormones so that would not even make sense 2 At rest what is the relative contribution of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to the regulation of homeostasis C Both systems are active but the parasympathetic predominates Parasympathetic dominates at rest sympathetic dominates during exercise and stress Both are always active 3 Which of the following contributes to the ability of the sympathetic nervous system to produce widespread responses within the body C One preganglionic neuron sends collaterals to multiple ganglia affecting multiple postganglionic neurons 4 Which of the following receptor types does not activate G proteins A nicotinic cholinergic Muscarinic found on target cells and where acetylcholine binds nicotinic binds to skeletal or neurons Can t bind to C and D are not options because epinephrine always activates G protein 5 Compared to norepinephrine epinephrine has a greater affinity for what type of receptor D 2 adrenergic Epinephrine has a greater affinity for beta and norepinephrine has a greater affinity for alpha table 11 1 6 Binding of norepinephrine or epinephrine to a n receptor decreases the activity of adenylate cyclase and therefore cAMP synthesis C 2 adrenergic Table 11 1 7 What area of the brain is the location of the cardiovascular regulatory centers C hypothalamus Hypothalamus is the cardiovascular control center Cerebellum is for motor control Can t be pons Limbic system is associated with memory 8 With respect to their innervation individual skeletal muscle fibers cells are innervated by A a single motor neuron Not C and D because autonomic does not control skeletal muscle 9 Postganglionic neurons of the autonomic nervous system release neurotransmitter from B varicosities Neuromuscular junction is specifically for motor neurons Dendrites are the receiving part of the neuron Soma is the cell body of the neuron Variscocities are the space between the automatic neuron and target tissue 10 The change in membrane potential that occurs in skeletal muscle cells in response to acetylcholine binding to its receptors is called a n C end plate potential Pg 317 Cannot be D because that implies that is being stopped Acetylcholine starts something 11 The opening of a cation channel that allows both Na and K to move through will cause the membrane to because of the D depolarize greater Na electrochemical gradient as compared with K Sodium has positive electrical equilibrium and moves outside of cell as Na moves in Hyperpolarize would mean it was getting more negative When sodium moves out depolarization occurs 12 The fundamental repeating unit of the myofibril called a gives skeletal muscle its striated appearance and is bordered by D sarcomere Z lines Figure 12 3 whole thing is myofibril sacromeres are between z lines 13 A skeletal muscle twitch is A one contractile response to a single action potential Pg 331 14 When a skeletal muscle is passively stretched that cell has a tendency to spring back once the force that was stretching the muscle is removed due to C titin acting as a spring using the energy stored by the stretching Chp 12 slide 15 In order for crossbridge cycling to occur the actin myosin complex must be broken by which of the following D binding of ATP to myosin ATP binds to myosin to pull it off pg 328 16 The sequence of events that links the muscle s action potential to changes in skeletal muscle force development is called what D excitation contraction coupling pg 329 17 Which of the following best describes the interaction between transverse T tubules and the sarcoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscle contraction C Action potentials in T tubules are detected by DHP receptors which are coupled to ryanodine receptors in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and open channels for calcium Figure 12 10 pg 330 18 The binding of calcium to troponin will directly allow which of the following C the movement of tropomyosin thereby exposing the myosin binding site on the actin molecule Moves tropomyosin out of the way to bind to it Not d because its backwards 19 When an action potential is generated within a motor neuron C every muscle cell of the motor unit is stimulated to contract 20 What enzyme catalyzes the reaction that creates creatine phosphate D creatine kinase 21 As the intensity of exercise increases skeletal muscles increase the use of glycolysis eventually resulting in the increased generation of lactic acid The early appearance of lactic acid lactate threshold is due to C cytosolic NAD is generated faster than the mitochondria can convert it to NADH Review glycolysis 22 During long endurance races muscles can becomes severely depleted of glycogen When this happens during a running event the person A can keep running at the same pace by shifting to the use of fats as a fuel instead of carbohydrate Figure 12 16 23 Wave summation is achieved by A increasing the stimulus frequency the rate of stimulus delivery to the muscle Pg 336 24 When the stimulus frequency reaches a value beyond which no further increases in force are generated by the muscle the muscle has reached its A maximal tetanic tension Pg 336 25 When a skeletal muscle is stimulated and generates force but remains at a fixed length D the muscle is contracting isometrically Pg 334 twitches 26 Muscle shortening velocity A decreases with heavier loads Pg 336 27 The motor units with the largest cell bodies somas and thus require greater electrical stimulation to be recruited are C fast glycolytic 28 Muscle fibers are categorized into fast or slow depending on their B myosin ATPase activity Pg 343 29 In smooth muscle calcium triggers contraction by binding to what protein D calmodulin pg 352 30 Intrafusal muscle fibers also called muscle spindles detect changes in muscle and are innervated by motor neurons C length gamma pg 349 31 As a result of Starling s Law stroke volume should increase following an increase in D preload pg 387 388 32 Which of the following is not normally apparent in the ECG B atrial repolarization pg 375 33 The second heart sound occurs when the semilunar valves close thus it marks A the end of the ejection period pg 377 34 The

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