Course Syllabus CS SE 6360 004 F14 CS SE 6360 004 Database Design INSTRUCTOR Nurcan Yuruk Ph D Department of Computer Science E mail nxy140530 utdallas edu Office ECSS 3 405 Office hours TR 3 00pm 5 00pm CLASS MEETINGS TR 1 00pm 2 15pm Location JSOM 1 107 Course Pre requisites Co requisites and or Other Restrictions CS 5343 or equivalent Data structures and algorithms Abstract data types lists stacks queues trees search trees Hashing Priority queues heaps Sorting and searching Graphs representation and algorithms Running time analysis of algorithms and order notation Course Description Topics Introductory concepts Data models ER diagrams Relational Model Query Languages Relational Algebra Relational Calculus SQL Database Design Concepts Functional dependencies Normal forms Data Organization Index Structures Query Optimization Transaction Processing Concurrency control Deadlock prevention Serializability Recovery Security issues Case studies Student Learning Objectives Outcomes Study methods principles and concepts that are relevant to the design of database systems Analyze issues related to database systems from several perspectives designer programmer user administrator Required Textbooks and Materials Fundamentals of Database Systems 6th Edition R Elmasri and S B Navathe Addison Wesley Inc EVALUATION Your grade for the course will be based on the following percentages Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam Assignments Final Project 20 20 20 20 20 Course Policies Assignments should be turned in no later than the deadline announced by the instructor of this class Turn in what is completed by the deadline for partial credit No late submissions will be accepted You should do your own work on exams projects and for assignments Copying another student s work is not acceptable Any indication of cheating and or plagiarism on an exam assignment project will be an automatic 0 zero for the exam assignment project for all students involved Solutions copied from the internet instructor s manual etc will be also given zero credit Regular class attendance and participation is expected and is the responsibility of each individual There is a strong correlation between regular class attendance and good performance If a student should elect not to attend a class s he is responsible for any handouts announcements reading material and contents of missed lectures See also UTD s policies at http go utdallas edu syllabus policies This syllabus is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Professor
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