UT EDP 363-3 - Abortions
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EDP 363 3 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Birth Control Pill Continued II Other Methods of BC III Permanent Methods of BC Outline of Current Lecture I Essure female sterilization method II Plan B for emergency use only III Abortions IV Roe v Wade V Abortions p 2 VI Harris v McRae 1981 VII Hypocrisy in Debates VIII How to have an abortion in Texas Current Lecture I II III Essure female sterilization method a Inserts metal mesh with polyester fibers into both sides of the fallopian tubes through os b Injection to prevent spasm during procedure c Not immediate sterilization cells grow on mesh i Over a few mothers cells go around mesh and eventually block tubes d Done in doctors office e About same price as tubular ligation but will become cheaper f After insertion don t get pregnant for 3 months g After 3 months dye will be inserted into uterus to see if dye gets in fallopian tubes h Not reversible Plan B for emergency use only a Used in BC failures or unprotected intercourse b Set of pills you can get without a prescription c Sooner use better still good up to 3 days after d Progesterone only pill 10x amount as mini pill taken all at once e Might prevent ovulation at the last minute f No LH released propels egg out of ovaries g Side effects nausea headache throws off period Abortions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV V VI a Both POV s are reasonable and legitimate write a thought paper on your position on abortions and should men be involved due next class b Pro life i Protection of human life ii Human life begins 2 days after conception when DNA mixes iii Separate entity from woman s body simply dependent on mother to survive c Pro choice i Desire for women to not be controlled by an unwanted pregnancy ii Abortion is escape mechanism d Debate whether fetus deserves protection of laws as a human being i When is life developed enough to protect with law ii All pecan trees begin as pecans e Statistics i Every 24 hours 100 million acts of sexual intercourse which results in 1 million conceptions 50 unplanned ii 250 000 unwanted pregnancies 150 000 legal abortions and 50 000 others iii 500 women die each day from unsafe illegal abortions iv over 50 million abortions each year in the world 33 million are legal 1 1 2 million in the United States since Roe v Wade v making abortions illegal will not stop them the rich will travel to have them done where they are legal and the poor will have unsafe illegal abortions Roe v Wade TX a Overruled state laws on abortions only 5 states legal previously making them illegal b Roe women v Wade Dallas DA c Roe got pregnant claimed rape and wanted an abortion against law in TX d Roe is now strictly pro life and protests Roe v Wade e Said women have right of privacy like Griswold v Connecticut Constitution implies that right f Roe now admits she was not molested said she made it up for sympathy g Has not bee overruled Supreme Court can overturn Roe v Wade i Congress can pass Constitutional Amendment h Has been altered i Allowed abortions through 24th week 1st 2 trimesters with exception for women s health ii Now abortion is allowed until fetus is viable outside womb Abortions p 2 a Most abortions 20 25 age cohort then 25 30 then teens 30s b 40 million abortions since Roe v Wade in 1973 c 90 in 1st trimester 1st 12 weeks i less than 0 001 performed in third trimester Harris v McRae 1981 a Hyde Amendment in 1976 prevented government funds giving towards abortions i Can be reversed by Congress VII VIII b 1973 1976 Medicare paid for some low income aborters c Pro choice as long as abortion is legal it should be covered d Pro life Congress can declare to pay or not i Supreme Court Healthcare is not a right ii Congress forbade federal money for abortions iii Some states and cities pay for some abortions Hypocrisy in Debates a Pro life Woman wants to kill baby for her own convenience i Unwanted pregnancy are not an inconvenience they turn lives upside down ii When shit hits your fan you became pro choice b Pro choice when arguing they use the word fetus but when pregnant they use the word baby i They will not allow you to use the word baby when discussing an unborn child they insist on the word fetus But when they are talking casually they call it a baby 1 Want to feel my fetus kick ii Use Abortion no fetuscide iii Pretending a fetus is just a mass of cells How to have an abortion in Texas a Laws i Must see doc twice during process ii Doctor must do an ultrasound iii Under 18 must have consent must tell one parent or go to court for a waiver iv Dr must have admitting privileges on an ambulatory surgical center hospital v Ban on abortions after 20 weeks b Procedures i RU486 1 May take up to 8 weeks into pregnancy 2 Chemicals dislodge embryo from wall lining 3 Must get prostaglandm shot to contract fetus out ii Suction Curettage 90 must be given A Woman s Right to Know before 1 Lie down on exam table feet in stirrups and separate vaginal walls 2 Open os and expand it using larger and larger rods 3 Insert Canula straw which vacuums and tears apart amniotic sac and fetus 4 Curette scraper to scrape out endometrial lining and dislodge any fetal parts 5 Repeat process and a nurse counts fetal parts to ensure everything is out anything left in can cause infection 6 Women stays in the clinic for a couple of hours as the bleeding slows 7 4 6 days of heavy period 8 Must return to clinic 2 weeks later to check

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UT EDP 363-3 - Abortions

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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