UT EDP 363-3 - Sexual Arousal
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EDP 363 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I The last lecture 3 3 15 was spent reviewing Exam 1 see the TA if you would like to review your exam a Some of the material on sexual arousal was covered but was covered again on 3 10 15 II Class was canceled on 3 05 Snow day III Note Exam 2 moved to 4 7 Outline of Current Lecture I Sexual Arousal II Case Study Story 1 III Story 2 IV Physiological Sexual Arousal V Sexual Arousal Cycle VI Masters and Johnson Pregnant Sex Positions Current Lecture I Sexual Arousal You re hot when you re hot you re not when you re not a Arousal is up to the unconscious mind b Controlled by the autonomic nervous system not the muscular system i 1 Sympathetic in charge of orgasm 1 Moves blood away from trunk and to the limbs to flee stressor 2 Activated in times of stress fear anxiety 3 Most people get anxious when they are naked major emotion that turns on sympathetic system Anger also activates the sympathetic system be kind when having sex 4 Many people take drugs drink alcohol to reduce anxiety before sex drinking slows down sympathetic nerve firings ii 2 Parasympathetic in charge of sexual arousal i e erection 1 Keeps blood in trunk 2 Activated in relaxed resting comfortable state iii These are not equal partners only one can be on at a time c Emotions can turn on the sympathetic system therefore automatically turning off the parasympathetic system and making sexual arousal difficult These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III i Anxiety fear stress excitement anger physical exercise nervous guilt embarrassment etc d If person is having trouble becoming sexually aroused lubrication erection restore power to the parasympathetic system by being kind nice Case Study Story 1 a Attractive man and woman concerned because man can t get an erection Man felt he was responsible for sex He was attracted in low with the woman and mad at himself for not being able to get an erection i Men are usually thought to be responsible for sex ii Men have to perform and women are the audience who judge the men puts a lot of pressure on men b When too excited i e heart pounding too fast sympathetic system turns on turning off parasympathetic system making erection arousal impossible c Turns out he was too in love with his partner saw her as perfect i The partners didn t know each other well enough because they have been faking each other out he still thinks she is perfect making him feel pressured to perform perfectly To impress others we try to present tell the good things and hide the bad 1 Women fake men out to get them to like them a Make up to hide flaws shave legs dye hair perfect hygiene and perfume etc 2 Men fake women out too a Cologne clean car house acts of chivalry paying for the date etc d She shared embarrassing stories with him everyday and he did the same with her They learned more about each other as people not perfect people e Relaxation and better knowledge of each other allowed parasympathetic system to turn on arousal Story 2 a Girls didn t want to be with guy he goes to New Zealand b He went to a dance in youth hostel met a girl who asked him to dance he got an erection while dancing c They went back to his room and he needed to run back downstairs to get a condom Didn t bring enough money the first time ran back up the stairs got more money ran back down the stairs bought the condom and then ran back up d Running up and down the stairs exercise turned on his sympathetic system inhibited parasympathetic kept him from being able to get an erection e He was happy though cause he learned that women could be attracted to him f Extra note parties make people anxious they drink to calm anxiety which can turn on arousal BUT if you drink too much you can have trouble having an orgasm sympathetic firings are too slow IV V Physiological Sexual Arousal a Male i Can get aroused fairly quickly ii Blood flow to genitals fills cells in penile shaft and scrotal sac cell expansion erection iii Orgasm contractions in prostate gland which causes semen to be sent out of the urethra b Female i Female lubrication transduction occurs when there is pressure on the vaginal walls ii Can be aroused quickly but vaginal walls must open which can take longer Must enter slowly to give time to expand to accommodate penis iii As a woman continues to be aroused the back part opens much more ballooning effect to allow the front part to still exert pressure on the penis there is more sensation in the front for penis 1 Ballooning effect back part of vagina opens up first iv Orgasmic Platform Most pleasure nerve endings are in the 1st couple inches the front of the vagina 1 Size length of penis doesn t matter as long as 1st few inches are being stimulated 2 This area is what contracts during and orgasm while the back part of the vagina balloons tilts upward to form a pool to hold semen Sexual Arousal Cycle a Male i Arousal dependent on parasympathetic system from bottom of graph to top of plateau and orgasm dependent on sympathetic system from top of plateau to orgasm ii Plateau builds up in excitement requiring some more sympathetic nerve firings iii Orgasm is triggered by peak in sympathetic nerve firings iv Refractory period time after orgasm when a man s penis can be overly sensitive to the point of discomfort During this period the man can t be restimulated to have another erection orgasm 1 This period s length of time is dependent on age usually a few seconds to a few minutes v Resolution following orgasm blood released from genitals to go to the rest of the body happens automatically VI b Female i Main difference between male female cycles most women do not have refractory periods 1 Most women have resolution without refractory period a Most women can be re excited sexually 2nd orgasm ii Women s arousal plateau phase is similar to men s but feelings vary across women women have different descriptions of orgasms whereas male descriptions are consistent c Animals i Theory most women don t have refractory periods because of competition and desire to increase chances of pregnancy 1 Refractory period when males dismount gives the female more chances for getting pregnant ii No one knows if female animals other than humans have orgasms Masters and Johnson Pregnant Sex Positions a 1 Man uses arms to keep weight off abdomen b 2 Women uses arms to keep her abdomen off

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UT EDP 363-3 - Sexual Arousal

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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