UVM NFS 053 - Hispanics and Their Cultural Food
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NFS 53 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Meal preparation and USAD dietary guidelines a The mandate b Executive summary c DGA emphasis on reduction d Meal patterns vs nutrients e 2015 DGA approach f 2015 DGA dietary patterns g Recommendations vs reality h People s perception II Overview of the rest of the course Outline of Current Lecture I Hispanics and their cultural food II Dietary Patterns over history Current Lecture I Hispanics and their cultural food a Many Hispanics eat a healthier diet than the average American diet b Hispanic food is becoming increasingly popular in the United States i Tortillas tortilla chips salsas c Tortilla chip sales growth is catching up very quickly to potato chips d Salsas are becoming more popular than ketchup e American foods are beginning to be flavored with Hispanic flavors i Jalapeno Pringles chili lemon chips II Dietary Patterns over history These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a Prof Trubek used a website that she has not yet posted online for this information

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