Assignment 1 Connect to the Oracle Database server using SQL Developer program with following parameters User Name yournetid Password yournetid Host Name onecore myds me Port 1521 SID xe Task List 1 Create all the tables given in the following schema Figure 4 6 2 Define required constraints on given tables 3 Define triggered actions that will be attached to each foreign key constraint Explain the assumption you have made for your choice and justify it 4 Insert 5 imaginary tuples into each table 5 Find the books that have been borrowed from a library branch you will specify the branch in last 14 days and that have not been returned yet 6 For a specific book you will specify the book at a specific branch you will specify the branch increase number of copies for the book by 5 7 Delete a user borrower from the system Explain how other tables are affected from this delete based on the triggered actions you have defined at 3 o o A report file that will include all SQL statements for the above task list will be uploaded to eLearning Your report file will also include your explanations for 3 You are required to run all SQL statements on Oracle database server to which you can connect with the credentials you have been provided Due Date September 18 2014 11 59 PM
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