Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice visit www foxitsoftware com shopping UGS 303 1st Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Human v Beast II How did democracy go wrong III The Sicilian Expedition Outline of Current Lecture I Sparta v Athens II Pericles Strategy III Adversary Debate IV Decision for War Current Lecture I Sparta v Athens Sparta Athens Training deeds Education words Slave Population helots Far flung Empire Traditional Government Democracy Army Navy No Major Poets Great Poets No Great Buildings Parthenon Plus II Pericles Strategy A Keep empire B Do not expand C Use sea power These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute D Let Sparta invade E This was a strategy for holding not winning III Adversary Debate A On decisions like war that thrust us into an uncertain future B Use of defeasible premises 1 Premises that are true often but not always 2 Only as good as the attempts to defeat them C Ad hominem arguments detract from the issues invective is not helpful IV Decision for war A Nicias v Alcibiades B Nicias Argument 1 We still face danger from Lacedaemon and a rebellious empire 2 Egestra is not a valuable ally 3 If Syracuse had an empire it would bring ruin upon them as ours might do to us 4 Alcibiades is too young rich C Alibiades Argument 1 A city of mixed ethnicities is easily divided a This is a defeasible premise only true in non democracies Syracuse was a democracy so this plan failed 2 If so Athens can easily gain help of one party in the city 3 If so Athens can defeat the city 4 Syracuse has mixed ethnicity 5 Therefore Athens can easily defeat Syracuse D Why did Nicias lose the debate 1 Greed and ambition of the people E Why did Nicias not tell Athens he had failed 1 Democracy would punish him
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