Marb 435 1st Edition Lecture 9 Current Lecture Nemertea Ribbon Worms Most species are less than 20 cm long some are just a few mm and some can grow VERY long Mostly marine but include also freshwater or terrestrial representatives Externally ciliated Glandular epidermis secretes a sticky toxic mucus Often brightly colored probably aposematic Many nemerteans have direct development but some have a pelidium larva in their life cycle Terms to know Rhynchocoel body cavity that ribbon wormsposess Proboscis Separate from the digestive tract Suspended in the rhynchoel a coelomic cavity Can be everted within split seconds through the proboscis pore Some have stylets and or paralytic toxins Can be retracted again with the proboscis retractor muscle Lifestyles Mostly predators feed mainly on worms clams crustaceans Some species are scavengers of dead animals Armed nemerteans inject toxins into their prey e g among others These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Some species pursue their prey such as other worms by following their mucus trail
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