UNCG KIN 292 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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KIN 292 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide 1 Exam Two from last semester For each question I have given a page reference in the book for the correct answer Chapter 5 1 Pg 1262 Pg 128 3 Pg 131 4 n a 5 pg 128 6 n a 7 pg 135 8 pg 141 9 n a 10 pg 141 11 pg 125 Chapter 6 12 pg 157 17 pg 154 22 pg 161 13 pg 149 18 pg 154 14 pg 149 19 pg 155 15 pg 154 20 pg 154 155 16 pg 154 21 pg 155 Chapter 21 23 pg 60324 pg 604 25 pg 606 26 pg 608 27 pg 609 28 pg 613 29 pg 611 insulin 613 glucagon 30 pg 620 31 pg 621 32 pg 624 625 33 pg 625 Chapter 7 34 pg 168 35 pg 168 36 pg 169 39 pg 186 table 40 pg 184 n a 43 pg 175 Chapter 8 37 pg 174 41 pg 173 38 pg 182 42 pg 175 44 pg 183 184 This question is not in chapter 8 that I could see These pages are from chapter 7 and do not give a great explanation for this answer but it was the closest I could find 45 pg 198 46 pg 200 47 pg 202 48 n a I remembered this from lab 3 49 pg 205 50 pg 209 51 pg 207 52 pg 210 53 pg 211 54 pg 211 Chapter 10 55 pg 254 56 pg 255 57 pg 256 58 pg 258 59 pg 258 260 60 pg 261 61 pg 262 62 slides 25 and 26 chapter 10 notes 63 pg 267 64 pg 262 65 n a 66 pg 264 2 These are the multiple choice questions relative to the test from labs 2 3 and 4 Lab 2 Substrates are held in the active site by hydrogen and ionic bonds The building blocks for peptides are amino acids Triglycerides are lipids dissolve poorly in water are fats are digested by lipase Adding bile to triglycerides increases the surface area of the triglycerides Lab 3 Receptor potentials The receptor proteins respond to stimuli they can trigger an action potential Odor molecules can act as stimuli Functional regions of neuron secretory region receiving region conducting region The conducting region of the neuron is theaxon The typical concentration of sodium islower than potassium intracellularly Which of the following describes a change from the resting membrane potential a receptor potential a synaptic potential or an action potential What effect did increasing the extracellular potassium have on the resting membrane potential The resting membrane potential became less negative What effect did decreasing the extracellular sodium have on the resting membrane potential Only a small change occurred because the resting neuron is not very permeable to sodium The channels that provide for the movement of potassium in the resting neuron are leakage Establishing the resting membrane potential requires energy through the use of thesodium potassium pump A nerve is a bundle of axons The region on the neuron where action potentials are generated is called thetrigger zone We describe the regeneration of the action potential down the membrane of the axon of the neuron asconduction or propagation An axon that is more negative than the resting membrane potential is said to behyperpolarized If an increase in extracellular potassium hyperpolarizes a neuron which of the following would be correct It would change the membrane potential to a more negative value An action potential requires voltage gated sodium channels to open and sodium to flow with its electrochemical gradient To reach threshold the amount of sodium entering the cell must overcome the potassium exiting Which of the following blocks voltage gated sodium channels tetrodotoxin and lidocaine Which of the following is used to block pain Lidocaine Which of the following occurs first in the generation of an action potential The membrane depolarizes Which of the following occurs during depolarization Sodium flows into the cell Which of the following occurs during repolarization Voltage gated potassium channels open and some voltage gated sodium channels inactivate Potassium flows out of the cell Which of the following allow the movement of potassium through the neuronal membrane leakage channels and voltage gated potassium channels Why does the threshold increase when the interval between the stimuli decreases Some sodium channels have been inactivated and cannot be reopened immediately During the relative refractory period another action potential can be generated provided the stimulus is large enough When the interval between the stimuli decreases a second action potential is generated until the interval reaches the absolute refractory period When the stimulus voltage is increased a greater than threshold depolarization results and sodium permeability into the cell increases to overcome the potassium exiting A synaptic cleft or synaptic gap can be found between a neuron anda gland another neuron a muscle cell The membrane potential that occurs when neurotransmitters bind to their receptors is calleda postsynaptic potential The release of neurotransmitter occursat the axon terminal Which of the following occurs first An action potential arrives at the axon terminal At a chemical synapse the intensity of the stimulus is coded bythe amount of neurotransmitter released and the amount of calcium that enters the axon terminal When the calcium was removed from the extracellular solution no neurotransmitter was released Calcium and magnesium are bothdivalent cations A single action potential is described asnot graded A suprathreshold stimulus results inmore action potentials A depolarizing synaptic potential is also known asan excitatory postsynaptic potential A weak subthreshold stimulus will result ina small depolarization at the receiving end of the neuron An excitatory postsynaptic potential occursat the receiving end of the interneuron

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