UT EDP 363-3 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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EDP 363 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 11 Lectures 2 1 22 3 1 27 and 4 1 29 Scientific Truths Myths and Value Statements Determine what kind of statement a sentence is making If a value statement determine the kind Fact a statement in which it is possible to gather evidence of the scientific kind and the overwhelming evidence suggests that the statement is accurate Evidence must be observable repeatable and measurable Facts are subject to change if evidence changes Myth false statement a statement in which it is possible to gather evidence of the scientific kind and the overwhelming evidence suggests that the statement is not accurate Same definition as fact except the statement is NOT accurate Value Statement a statement in which it is not possible to gather evidence of the scientific kind to determine if the statement is accurate or note can t prove disprove it There are 3 different ways to make value statements 1 Value stated as if it were a fact using a to be verb a It is WRONG to b It is NOT GOOD to 2 Values stated as a demand most popular way justifies punishment a You SHOULD b You MUST 3 Values stated as an opinion belief or preference the least common way the only way that implies equality between people the other two ways imply superiority inferiority a I don t LIKE b I don t BELIEVE c I PREFER not to I PREFER you not to Definition a word or group of words which attempt to give meaning to another word or symbol Lectures 5 2 3 6 2 5 and 7 2 10 Historical Perspectives on Sexuality Chapters 1 and 2 Commonalities amongst the oldest religions Both male and female gods of equal number and power All gods had genitals and were sexual No separation between sexuality and spirituality Goddesses of Agriculture female because they represented fertility usually shown depicted in a state of pregnancy and or being of larger size early spring when the Earth resurrects people go to the temple to celebrate the goddesses and pray for their crops to grow Men would go to the temple to have sex with the goddesses to please them but found extreme difficulty because they could not see the goddesses and therefore could not find their genitals Temple Priestesses humans served the gods goddesses in their temples Men would have sex with the Priestesses because the Priestesses could then transfer their pleasure to the gods goddesses Virgin birth stories i e Athena born out of Zeus s head Anything that can give you life can give you death i e Navajo Canyon de Chelly AKA spiderwoman built a web to help humans climb up to Earth Hinduism Gods were both male and female and had equal power No separation between sexuality and spirituality Gods were sexual Lingum Linga penis Yoni vagina Hindu statues at temples had graphic art and sculptures depicting sexual activities The British conquered India in the 1850s were offended by what they saw in the Hindu temples and put a stop to it Yoga connects humans with the spiritual realm Tantric yoga sexual energy to experience spiritual union and to connect with an orgasm The idea is to take the experience and feelings that occur during and orgasm and try to extend them beyond the orgasm itself An orgasm clears the mind and represents pure pleasure There are 4 parts to the orgasm 1 Have no thoughts a Opens the mind to Nirvana the great nothing the great silence b The mind has a small seizure and can t create thoughts 2 Pure pleasure that overrides pain 3 Wish no one harm 4 The male orgasm ejaculation is symbolic of creation Buddhism Buddha s philosophy 563 483 B C Buddha was a Hindu who was trying to figure out what the truth of the world is He tried various kinds of yoga to reach Nirvana but none of them worked He went on to vow to sit under a treat and meditate until he becomes enlightened 4 Noble Truths 1 All life is suffering 2 The cause of this suffering is selfish desire we identify ourselves with our bodies which will eventually die 3 The way to end suffering is to end selfish longing 4 The way to end selfish longing is to diligently follow the 8th Fold Path ways of trying to be less egocentric i e do things for others Avoid sexual entanglements because it leads to selfishness and suffering don t get involved in sexual relationships because they will frustrate you The second greatest of all longings the longing for sexual desire the first greatest is the longing to breath Buddha trained himself not to focus on sexual desires and noticed that lust makes you want to control your partner which leads to frustration Buddha has learned how to end selfish longing which is why he is able to live in such a calm state Taoism 500 B C more similar to Hinduism than Buddhism Lao Tsu wrote his thoughts down in Book Te Tao Ching Live in accordance with the Dao which you can only understand through meditation opening the mind and observing nature By observing nature we can see that sex is everywhere and a part of life Actively promoted sexual activity oral sex sensual touching and intercourse for spiritual growth and harmony in addition to procreation The sexual connection of man and woman during intercourse was believed to join the opposing energies of yin female light side and yang male dark side thereby balancing the essences of the two in each individual Males were encouraged to ejaculate infrequently to conserve yang energy orgasm for women helped create more yin energy and was sought after The symbol for sex is the lightening bold masculine and rain feminine Sex is part of the Dao Judaism the first major religion that separates spirituality from sexuality on the 8th day after birth males are to be circumcised Book of Leviticus There is only one god and he is sizably male He creates man in his own image note this is the same god as the Christian god and the Muslim god The Story of Adam and Eve God called upon Adam who was hiding because he was naked shame involved with sexuality God asked Adam how he knew that he was naked had he eaten from the tree of knowledge which he had been forbidden to eat from Adam blamed Eve and subsequently god for putting her on Earth for giving him the apple Even blamed the serpent for tricking her God punished the serpent by making it craw on its belly as well as giving it the death penalty Eve was punished in 3 ways 1 Giving birth shall be a painful experience 2 She shall have the urge for her husband who shall be her master 3 Death penalty mortality Adam was punished for listening to his wife eating the fruit instead of listening

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UT EDP 363-3 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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