EDP 363 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Alfred Kinsey II Masters and Johnson III Random Info IV Facts About you V Genital Development VI Adult Male Genitals Outline of Current Lecture I Adult Male Genitals continued II Circumcision III Female Anatomy Current Lecture I Adult Male Genitals continued a Prostate gland i Produces sperm ii Opening to male urethra tube allows sperm to exit body iii Opening to male bladder 1 Muscle at base closes keeping the semen from exiting here b Semen alkali fluid i Semen is pH 7 2 7 6 a base 1 Bases don t like acids the vagina is acidic sperm dies quickly ii Sperm make up 1 of fluid the rest is alkali fluid iii Average ejaculate 400 500 million sperm iv 1 000 sperm are created per heart beat v Sperm last 30 days in testes then die c Male Shaf i 3 chambers 2 on top and one on the bottom middle ii full of specialized cells that can absorb blood expansion erection 1 Head of the penis also has some of these cells although not as many iii Empty tube where urethra comes out of the body iv Urethra tube surrounded by these blood absorbing cells v Bundle of nerves at the base frenulum connects head to shaf 1 Extremely sensitive to pleasure These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III vi Opening at head urethra tube exits Circumcision a Coving of the penis hood is same as female clitoral hood b Couperus gland at base of urethra produces alkali fluid when penis is aroused Clear fluid can be emitted at any time during arousal c Foreskin is raised and covering is cute but the frenulum nerves are NOT cut Female Anatomy a Mums pubis area i Pressure nerve endings ii Connected to the clitoris which sits right below it b Urethra opening Vaginal opening hymen i At least partially covered when born Important during development as it blocks bacteria ii Broken when virginity is lost 1 Tampons 2 Gymnastics 3 Biking and horseback riding 4 Finger c Base Anus perineum i Doctors may cut it during child birth to avoid tearing d INSIDE i 2 walls lie flat against each other tilted 45 degrees to outside of the body upwards tilt 1 Cells produce in an acidic environment 2 Self clean 3 No top uterus serves as the top sits on top and held in place by muscles a Bottom of uterus cervix i Hole in cervix os ii Os hole in cervix 1 Allows baby to exit uterus 2 Menstrual flow exits uterus vagina 3 Allows sperm entry into uterus to fallopian tubes iii Uterus is tilted forward at a 90 angle 1 Mio mabrium elastic muscles allowing expansion 2 Endometrium lining specialized cells sensitive to estrogen and progestin which make it expand and fill with nutrients for pregnancy a Sluffs off during menstruation comes through os to vagina iv The end of uterus has 2 wings fallopian tubes 1 Surround ovaries which produce eggs and contain between 200 000 400 000 egg folicals 2 Has all eggs at birth 3 200 400 eggs ripen mature each month a The first to mature sends a message to the others telling them not to continue maturing b That egg ovulates the maturing and leaving of the egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes c 5 days for egg to travel length of fallopian tube d Egg lives 1 2 days not long enough to get to uterus unless it fertilizes deteriorates in the fallopian tube e Egg can ONLY be fertilized in the fallopian tubes f Fertilization cells start multiplying
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