EDP 363 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Administrative Stuf II Dates to Remember Outline of Current Lecture I Alfred Kinsey II Masters and Johnson III Random Info IV Facts About you V Genital Development VI Adult Male Genitals Current Lecture I II III IV Alfred Kinsey a 1947 Sex education b Taught how to prevent pregnancy i e condoms c State legislature of Indian tried to have him fired for ruining the morals of children The state threatened to remove all state funding if the school didn t fire him Agreement he could only teach the class at a graduate level Masters and Johnson textbook a Research team at Washington University in Saint Louis b Scientifically studied sexuality c Sex lab in vivo Random Info a Penile ring to bleed the devil out when men got erections when sleeping b Men and women overall took the same amount of time to orgasm during masturbation Women were mostly stimulating their citreous Facts About You a 1 x 1011 stars in our galaxy b 1 x 1011 neurons in your brain c 1 x 1012 cells in your body i 1 x 1014 atoms in a cell 1 Every atom in on earth comes from an exploded star a you are a miraculous star and your genitals are miraculous d The largest cell in the body is the female egg 1 180 inch These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V VI e The smallest cell in the human body is the sperm cell f 1750 000 sperm weight the same as a single egg g every skin sensory cell is capable of creating pain pleasure skin is the largest source of pleasure stimulation i the brain is also an acceptable answer Genital Development a Prenatal development i Both males and females start having vaginas until the 6th 7th week when males produce testosterone which causes external changes ii Know equivalencies every male part has a female part 1 penile shaft inner lips 2 head of the penis citreous 3 scrotal sac outer lips iii genitals are pretty much completed by the end of the 1st trimester iv males produce MIS which inhibits the development of Mullerian system in males fallopian tube development Adult Male Genitals a Testes housed in scrotal sac 2 of each 1 sac with 2 chambers i Held in place and can move up and down depending on temperature by spermatic cord Closer to the body when it is cold outside b Testes produce i Seminiferous tubules sperm production occurs here They are inter wound around each other ii Cells in between tubules sertoli produces testosterone which travels through the blood system c Sperm i Have a tail for movement ii Mitochondria the engines of the cell convert star dust aka food into energy iii Genetics are stored in the head d Men are more genetically similar to their fathers and more like their fathers hormonally e Epidermis on top of skin i Sac of skin on top of testes that stores sperm f Vas deferens tube i Carries sperm from epidermis to the seminal vesicle ii Once sperm hits seminal vesicles it hits fluid becomes semen and can swim iii Sugars give energy to mitochondria and sperm
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